CalPERS Legislative District Profile

Assembly District 1

The Honorable Megan Dahle

CalPERS Constituency Profile

CalPERS constituency profile data is current as of June 30, 2021, unless otherwise noted, and only includes Public Employees' Retirement System and Public Employees' Retirement Fund information.

Pension and Retirement


State School Districts and Charter Schools Public Agencies Total
Employers 1 1,335 1,556 2,892
Members 662,660 821,500 671,736 2,155,896

Assembly District 1

Employers, Active Members, and Retired Members/Beneficiaries/Survivors1, 2

Individual State Agencies School Districts and Charter Schools Public Agencies Total
Employers 18 112 104 234
Active Members 6,486 5,289 8,642 20,418
Active Members – Average Monthly Salary $5,038 $3,184 $4,547 $4,267
Retired Members / Beneficiaries / Survivors 6,271 4,268 8,319 18,858
Beneficiaries / Survivors - Average Monthly Benefits $3,146 $1,268 $2,506 $2,328

Health Plan Subscribers and Premiums2

Subscribers Monthly Premiums
Active Subscribers 9,207 $12,431,732
Retired Subscribers 9,760 $7,543,402

California Employers' Retirement Benefit Trust (CERBT)2

The CERBT Fund is a Section 115 trust fund dedicated to prefunding Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB), such as retiree health, vision, dental, and life insurance benefits. By joining this trust fund, California public agencies can help finance future costs in large part from investment earnings provided by CalPERS.

Participating Agencies Assets Under Management
Statewide 570 $15,640,372,060
District 1 38 $171,425,958

District-specific data in this section does not include the State of California as a participating agency. The State of California assets are only accounted for in the “Statewide” row.

CalPERS Investments Impact

CalPERS investments in California strengthen the state's fiscal structure and tax base. The information below is from the CalPERS for California 2021 report.

Major CalPERS Real Estate Assets 2, 3

Property Type Location Value
No major real estate holdings found for this district

CalPERS Investments by Asset Class in California 3

Asset Class Total Portfolio (in billions) Dollars Invested in California (in billions) Percentage of Dollars Invested in California
Global Equity $238.9 $34.1 14.3%
Global Fixed Income $129.9 $9.0 6.9%
Private Equity $44.8 $2.5 5.5%
Real Estate $47.2 $13.2 27.9%
Other $24.3 $0.0 0.0%
Total $485.2 $58.7 12.1%
  1. Data is current as of June 30, 2022.
  2. District-specific data is compiled by ZIP Code. Some ZIP Codes span multiple districts, which may cause slight variances in the data. CalPERS makes every effort to ensure that all other aspects of this database contain the most accurate information possible. Senate districts were established by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission in 2011 and 2021. Even numbered Senate districts changed with the 2022 election cycle into the 2021 Certified Senate districts. Odd numbered Senate districts will change to the 2021 Certified districts with the 2024 election cycle. Until then, the odd numbered 2011 Certified Senate districts are still active.
  3. Private Equity and Real Estate investments in California are as of March 31, 2021. “Other” investments are defined as Short-Term Investments which consist of U.S. Treasury and government sponsored securities, money market funds, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements, asset-backed securities, notes, bonds issued by U.S. corporations, and other allowable instruments that meet short-term maturity or average life, diversification, and credit quality restrictions. Reference CalPERS for California 2021 for data and methodology details.