Health & Medicare

Complementary Annuitant Premium Program (CAPP)

CAPP allows retirees to remain enrolled in a CalPERS-sponsored health plan when their retirement allowance doesn’t cover their full share of the monthly health premium.

Dependent Eligibility Verification

Dependent Eligibility Verification is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of your spouse, domestic partner, children, or other dependents enrolled in health and/or dental benefits. It's required by the California Code of Regulations and happens every three years.

Eligibility & Enrollment (Retiree)

An employee may continue health coverage upon retirement if certain requirements are met. Details about enrollment, cancellation, and making changes to your plans can still be made in myCalPERS.


If you're Medicare-eligible, receiving retirement health benefits, and not enrolled in a CalPERS Medicare health benefits plan, you need to enroll in a CalPERS Medicare health benefits plan to continue your health coverage through the CalPERS Health Program.

Open Enrollment for Retirees

Open Enrollment takes place each fall. The 2025 Open Enrollment dates are September 15 – October 10. Changes made during Open Enrollment will take effect January 1, 2026.

Plans & Rates (Retiree)

You can log in to your myCalPERS account and search for health plan options or visit your health plan’s website to learn about coverage. Different plans are available based on location and your previous employer.