- CalPERS provides actuarial services on pension plans for state, school, and public agency employers and uses periodic actuarial valuations to disclose funded status and determine employer contribution requirements.
- A summary of the funded status for public agencies from the most recent actuarial valuations can be found in the List of Public Agency Non-Pooled Plans Funded Status (XLSM) and the List of Public Agency Pooled Plans Funded Status (XLSM).
- Public agency employers can view Public Agency Actuarial Valuation Reports. State and school employers can review their actuarial reports in Forms & Publications.
- CalPERS offers a number of options for employers to manage their unfunded liabilities and future pension costs, including Additional Discretionary Payments (ADP), amortization fresh starts, and a Section 115 trust, California Employers' Pension Prefunding Trust (CEPPT) Fund. Contact your actuary for more information.
- CalPERS publishes an Annual Review of Funding Levels and Risks (PDF) report to assist the CalPERS Board in assessing the soundness and sustainability of the system.
- The actuarial office studies and recommends economic and demographic assumptions to help determine contribution requirements as published in the CalPERS Experience Study and Review of Actuarial Assumptions (PDF). View the Public Agencies and Schools Assumptions (XLSX) and the State Assumptions (XLSX) used by CalPERS.
- Risk Pooling was implemented by CalPERS to protect small employers from large fluctuations in employer contribution requirements caused by unexpected demographic events. Participation in the miscellaneous or safety risk pool is mandatory for any public agency plan with fewer than 100 active members and voluntary for those with more than 100.
- CalPERS provides support to employers on the standards of accounting and financial reporting for state and local governments set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).