December 4, 2024
Circular Letter: 200-049-24
Topic: Payroll

To: All Contracting Public Agencies, School Employers, and Non-Central State Agencies


This Circular Letter provides information regarding the upcoming enhancements to the myCalPERS Copy Prior Posted Payroll Report functionality, available on December 9, 2024. Copying forward a Prior Posted Payroll Earned Period Report is a method to transmit payroll information through myCalPERS by copying a previously posted Earned Period Report to create a new Earned Period Report.

Copy Forward for Non-Contributory Participants

This enhancement allows Earned Period No Contribution and No Service (EPN) transaction types to copy forward. With this feature, employers will not have to manually create non-contributory records repetitively for retired annuitants or other non-contributing members. When these records are copied forward, the total hours worked field will reflect as zero. The employer will be responsible for updating the hours worked for each earned period.

Non-Contributory Participants

  • Retired annuitants
  • Local Alternate Retirement Plan (Government Code 20306) members
  • Overtime position members

Copy Forward Zero-Payroll Records

Zero-payroll records may be reported for contributory and non-contributory employees with no reportable earnings for the earned period. The system will be able to copy forward the zero-payroll records for Earned Period Reporting and EPN transaction types. This enhancement will eliminate the need for employers to enter the zero-payroll record into the Earned Period Report manually. Additionally, the enhancement will remove the requirement to confirm unposted payroll on the Retirement Appointment Reconciliation or Payroll Schedule screens. The employer will be responsible for modifying or deleting the zero-payroll record(s) when not applicable for an earned period.

Display Oldest to Newest Earned Period Reports

The system will display the oldest to newest earned period reports available for creation under the Earned Period dropdown to avoid issues when copying forward a Prior Posted Payroll report to the incorrect earned period.


Review the myCalPERS Payroll Reporting (PDF) student guide for information to assist you with using the online data-entry method to create an Earned Period Report, add and maintain records, process a report, and reconcile missing payroll.


If you have questions, call our CalPERS Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377888-225-7377).


Brad Hanson, Chief
Employer Account Management Division