Performance, Compensation & Talent Management Committee Agenda June 15, 2022
This committee oversees compensation mechanisms and criteria, and the hiring, termination, compensation and long-term succession planning of key personnel.
(Agenda items are provided in a PDF format, which require Adobe Reader 8 or higher to view.)
Items designated for Information are appropriate for Committee Action if the Committee wishes to take action. Any Agenda Item from a properly noticed Committee meeting may be considered by the Board at a subsequent Board meeting. The hour designated as the earliest starting time for this meeting is not intended to communicate the expected duration (or ending time) of the preceding meeting. Public comment may be taken on agenda items in accordance with applicable law. There is a three-minute limitation on public comment, unless otherwise directed by the Presiding Officer. (Cal. Code Regs. tit 2, § 552.1.) Members of the public may provide public comment via telephone by calling (800) 259-4105. Board members may attend meetings of committees of which they are not members and participate in the discussions during those meetings.
June 15, 2022
Open Session
9:00 a.m.
- Item
- Call to Order and Roll Call (PDF)
- Executive Report (Verbal Report)Doug Hoffner
- Action Consent ItemsDoug Hoffner
- Information Consent ItemsDoug Hoffner
- Action Agenda Items
- Review of Board’s Compensation Policy for Executive and Investment Management Positions Michelle Tucker; Global Governance Advisors
- Compensation Review and Recommendations for Statutory Positions Michelle Tucker; Global Governance Advisors
- Annual Review: 2022-23 Incentive Metrics (PDF) Michelle Tucker; Global Governance Advisors
- 2022-23 Incentive Plan of the Chief Executive Officer Michelle Tucker; Global Governance Advisors
- Information Agenda Items
- Summary of Committee Direction (Verbal Report)Doug Hoffner
- Public Comment