Judges' Retirement System

About the Judges' Retirement System

The Judges’ Retirement System (JRS) and Judges’ Retirement System II (JRS II) are a tax-qualified, defined benefit plans.

Learn more about the unique membership that comprises JRS and JRS II, eligibility requirements for retirement, retirement payment options, health benefits in retirement and other considerations. 

Judges' Retirement System (JRS)

The JRS was established in 1937 and covers Supreme and Appellate court justices, Superior court judges, and Municipal court judges appointed or elected prior to November 9, 1994.

Judges' Retirement System II (JRS II)

JRS II was established in 1994 and provides service or disability retirement benefits to judges and death benefits to eligible survivors or beneficiaries.

Retirement Checks

Benefits are paid at the end of each month, but when you receive your funds is determined by whether you receive direct deposit or a physical check.