California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) Fund
The California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) Fund is a multiple employer tax exempt Trust organized under Section 115 of the Internal Revenue Code dedicated to prefunding Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) for all eligible California public agencies. Even those not contracted with CalPERS health benefits can prefund future retiree benefits such as health, vision, dental, and life insurance.
Since its launch in 2007, more than 600 California public employers choose CERBT as their OPEB trust fund. Access our CERBT Participating Agencies.
If you are interested in learning more about the CERBT program, we offer Prefunding Programs Workshops. You may also contact us at for additional information.
Current Participating Employers
Thank you for participating in the CERBT Fund. We offer individualized customer service to our participating employers. These services include account updates that cover investment performance, cash flow analysis, and GASB compliant and transparent reporting. This transparent reporting is highlighted by our online employer record keeping system that displays daily balance, transaction history, and quarterly statements.
CERBT contributions are initiated through myCalPERS. Access the Prefunding Programs' myCalPERS Contributions Guide (PDF) for directions and information regarding this process. If you need help getting set up with the correct permission sets in myCalPERS, email
As one of the nation's largest public employer OPEB trust funds, we strive to sustain retiree health benefits. We do so by delivering an uncomplicated, low-cost investment and administration program, high-quality service, compliant reporting, and education about the value of prefunding retiree healthcare benefits.
Benefits include:
- Generate investment income from employer-controlled contributions to pay for future retiree benefits
- All services provided at a single, low cost
- Assistance with GASB compliance and financial reporting
- Investment management by experts at CalPERS and internationally renowned consultants
- Simple and straightforward administrative procedures
- Superior customer service by a dedicated team of professionals
How it Works
CERBT offers three diversified asset allocation strategies. These strategies invest in five public asset classes:
- Commodities
- Fixed Income
- Global Equity
- Global Public Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
- Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS)
For more information on the specific allocations of each asset class, access the Investment Policy for the CERBT Fund (PDF).
Each strategy offers a distinctly different long-term expected return and return volatility. These strategies rely on the same underlying set of asset classes. Strategy 1 has the highest long-term expected rate of return/return volatility. Strategy 3 has the lowest long-term expected rate of return/return volatility. You can choose the strategy that best matches the characteristics of your plan and risk preference.
Return/Return Volatility | Strategy 1 | Strategy 2 | Strategy 3 |
Expected Return Rate | 6.4% | 6.1% | 5.8% |
Standard Deviation of Expected Return | 11.5% | 9.5% | 8.1% |
The following CERBT Fund fact sheets for each asset allocation strategy are updated every month:
- CERBT Fund Facts – Strategy 1 (PDF)
- CERBT Fund Facts – Strategy 2 (PDF)
- CERBT Fund Facts – Strategy 3 (PDF)
The fee rate is a function of both the fund operating costs and of the average asset balance of the fund. The fee rate is likely to vary over time and may be higher or lower in the future. CalPERS, as a governmental entity, retains no profit from the CERBT program. Email us to learn the current fee rate.
The annual fee rate covers the following activities:
- Investment management
- Trustee/custodial services
- Record-keeping
- Ongoing administration
- Start-up, transfer of assets, termination
- Legal Services
- Compliance
Complete and send the following items to the CalPERS CERBT Program:
- One signed original of Agreement and Election to Prefund Other Post Employment Benefits Through CalPERS (PDF)*
- CERBT Valuation Packet (PDF, 2.8 MB)
- Delegation of Authority to Request Disbursements (PDF)
- Your most recent Actuarial Valuation Report or Alternative Measurement Method report
*This Agreement and Election document must be presented to your governing body and completed and adopted in a public meeting. This is the only document that must be received as a physical copy. You can email all other documents.
If mailing via U.S. Postal Service, send to:
Prefunding Programs
P.O. Box 1494
Sacramento, CA 95812-1494
If mailing via FedEx, send to:
Prefunding Programs
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
CalPERS will process the agreement and send you a welcome packet. The packet will include a letter confirming the agreement has been approved, as well as an executed copy of the agreement.
For assistance with the contracting process and submission requirements, email
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is a not-for-profit organization that formulates accounting standards for state and local governments. GASB standards are not law but are accounting principles to which government agencies subscribe voluntarily that improve the clarity of financial reporting.
GASB 74 & 75
CERBT is a GASB-compliant trust fund that reports its financial statements in compliance with GASB OPEB standards.
Employers participating in the trust are expected to provide periodic OPEB actuarial valuation reports and financial information to CERBT in order to fulfill the requirements for trust fund financial reporting under GASB Statement No. 74. Employers will use this same information to fulfill their own GASB Statement No. 75 requirements.
CalPERS will report GASB Statement No.74 requirement on behalf of employers contracted and prefunding with the CERBT Program. To assist CERBT contracted employers with GASB Statement No. 75 reporting CalPERS prepares an annual audited Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position by Employer Report, providing audit confirmed assets in the OPEB Trust annually.
Access the GASB OPEB Statements and Implementation Guides for GASB Statement No. 74 & 75.
If you have any questions regarding GASB reporting, email us.
Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position by Employer
Consulting Actuaries
In order to participate in the California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) program, employers must provide periodic other post-employment benefit (OPEB) cost reports to the CalPERS Board of Administration. The CalPERS Board requires that OPEB cost reports must be prepared using actuarial assumptions and methods that comply with Actuarial Standards of Practice and with Governmental Accounting Standards.
To support external OPEB actuaries in preparing OPEB valuation reports, CalPERS prepares the CalPERS Health Plan (PEMHCA) Implicit Subsidy Data for Calendar Year 2021 (XLSX) every two years.
To assist employers in obtaining an OPEB actuarial valuation to satisfy GASB OPEB reporting requirements, we've established an automated process to retrieve an extract of participant information for employers participating in the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). There's no cost for this extract. A list of the data elements and values provided in the OPEB data extract can be found here: OPEB Census Report Information (PDF).
To initiate this process, log in to your myCalPERS account for Employers & Business Partners. The system access role required to request the extract is Business Partner Health Contracts.
Once logged in, select the Health Contracts tab, then select the OPEB Data Extract link on the left-side toolbar. Allow for up to 48 hours for this request to be processed. Two reports will be generated; one for active participants and one for retired participants. To retrieve the reports, you'll need to log back in to myCalPERS through the same process, as the system will not send a notification email once the reports are available.
Since GASB standards are an accounting principle and will affect the employer's financial statements, we urge you to contact your auditor to discuss whether you need an extract before submitting the request. Note that the data provided in these reports is unaudited. It's the employer's responsibility to review the data for validity prior to use in any calculations.