Policies & Procedures

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Guidance

Become familiar with what employers must know to comply with the Affordable Care Act. 

Circular Letters

Circular Letters provide important information for public agency, school, and state employers to conduct business with CalPERS. Find letters from 1996 to the present.  

Compliance in Compensation Reporting

Accurately report member information to ensure retirement benefits are calculated correctly.

Employment Certification

Provide detailed appointment and payroll data to accurately process service credit purchase requests and membership reviews for potential arrears.  

Health Procedures

From types of enrollment transactions to reason codes and effective dates, discover to assist new and existing employees with health benefits.  

Pension Reform Impacts

Learn how the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) impacts employers.  

Reference & Health Guides

State, public agency, and school employers use the employer reference and health benefits guides to simplify complex laws and assist with retirement and health-related business with CalPERS.