Benefit Programs

Health Benefits

The CalPERS Health Program enables you to provide a quality health benefits program to your employees while reducing financial risk. State employees are covered by law. Regardless of whether they contract for retirement, public agencies and school employers can contract to receive health benefits.

Social Security & Medicare

CalPERS serves as the official Social Security Administrator for the State of California’s Section 218 Agreement. We provide services to all California public agencies, regardless of whether they contract with CalPERS for retirement or health benefits. 

Retirement Benefits

Learn more about our defined benefit plan where retirement benefits are based on a formula, rather than contributions and earnings to a savings plan. 

California Employers' Pension Prefunding Trust (CEPPT) Fund

Learn how California public agencies can help finance future costs in large part from investment earnings provided by CalPERS.

California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) Fund

Even those not contracted with CalPERS health benefits can prefund future retiree benefits such as health, vision, dental, and life insurance.

CalPERS 457 Plan

The CalPERS 457 plan provides a low-cost, convenient way to save for retirement through payroll deductions. There is no fee for agency participation.