Pension Contract Amendments & Agency Updates
The Pension Contracts Management Program assists our contracted agencies to amend and update their pension contracts. On this page you will find our contact information, general information on the most common contract amendment needs, the amendment process, and pension contract termination.
Our Contact Information
For additional information, contact our Pension Contracts Management Program:
Call us: (916) 795-1024
Email us:
Our mailing address:
Financial Office
Pension Contracts & Prefunding Programs Division
P.O. Box 942703
Sacramento, CA 94229-2703
Contract Amendments for Benefit Changes
Your agency's contract may be amended to add, modify, or remove optional benefits for your employees. School districts must work through the county schools to amend their contract.
Before amending your contract, learn about any changes to optional contract provisions, the various benefit options available, and estimated cost information. Schools can refer to the Public Agency & Schools Reference Guide (PDF, 2.9 MB) for their optional benefits.
For employees not covered by Social Security, learn about the 1959 Survivor Benefit Program.
Contract Amendments for Agency Changes
Organizational Changes
It's important to ensure your agency's information in our files is current. Contact us if your agency changes its physical location or mailing address. If your agency officially changes its name, notify us by providing a copy of the Board Minutes or Board Resolution containing the old name, new name, and effective date of the name change. Mail the agency name change information to our address above.
Mergers & Reorganizations
If your agency (or one or more functions of your agency) transfers to a new or existing CalPERS agency, then retirement and health benefits of active and retired members may be affected. Contact us if your agency has or will undergo a merger or reorganization.
Inactive Employees
If your agency no longer has active employees or if a member category of your agency becomes inactive, notify CalPERS.
Although there may be no active employees, your agency is responsible for sufficient funding to continue paying the retirement and death benefits to CalPERS members or beneficiaries of members already retired. Your agency is also responsible for the funding for future benefits payable to members or beneficiaries of members electing to leave their contributions on deposit with CalPERS.
Amendment Process
It takes approximately 90-120 days to complete an amendment to the contract. A CalPERS employer representative will provide the necessary documents for adoption by your agency's governing body. All requirements and procedures will be outlined in a cover letter sent with the documents. Review the Contract Amendment Procedures (PDF) to see how to request an actuarial valuation or amend your contract.
For more information about amending your contract and for details on optional benefits, refer to your Public Agency & Schools Reference Guide, the California Public Employees' Retirement Law (PERL), or call us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377).
Terminating Your Pension Contract
You may terminate your agency's contract only when it has been in effect for at least five years. The contract termination mandatorily applies to all groups covered in the contract. Your agency's election to terminate is irrevocable after filing the final resolution and you can't participate in the program for three years after the termination date.
If you terminate your contract:
- Benefits are frozen and calculations are based on the benefit level in effect on the date of contract termination. However, your agency can enter into an agreement to ensure the final compensation used in the benefits calculation is based on a higher pay rate if the member later works for another CalPERS employer or reciprocal system.
- CalPERS members credited with service from your agency who are not employed by another CalPERS employer may elect to withdraw their contributions or leave them on deposit, regardless of the amount of service credit. Members who withdraw their contributions will not be entitled to any future benefits and may not ever redeposit those contributions based on their employment with your agency.
- Your agency is responsible for sufficient funding to continue paying the retirement and death benefits paid and for future benefits payable to CalPERS members or beneficiaries electing to leave their funds on deposit with CalPERS.
- Any excess employer funds as of the termination effective date are refunded to the agency.
A contracting agency can elect to participate in the CalPERS health benefits program as a "special district." Terminating your CalPERS retirement contract may also terminate eligibility for participation under PEMHCA.
Contact us if you're considering terminating your CalPERS retirement contract.
Additional Resources
The CalPERS Pension Contracts Management Program and Actuarial Office are available to discuss and inform all CalPERS contracted agencies on their pension contracting and funding options. Additionally, links to relevant and important resources for all our contracting agencies are found in this section, and in Resources.