Special Compensation Reportability Table

The table below provides reportability details for each member category within the identified special compensation category and type. Note: The employer must also comply with the California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 571(b) for classic members and section 571.1(a) for PEPRA members when reporting.

How to Use this Table

  • Select the tab for the appropriate special compensation category
  • Locate the desired special compensation type

The resulting information for the row will identify if the special compensation is reportable for the desired member category.

Special Compensation TypeClassicPEPRANotes
BonusYes Must have a system in place for evaluating a member for superior performance
Dictation/Shorthand/Typing PremiumYesYesOnly for clerical employees
Longevity PayYesYesMust have a minimum of five years as a qualifying condition for reporting
Management Incentive PayYes Generally provided for management exempt employees
Marksmanship PayYesYesOnly for safety police
Master Police OfficerYesYesOnly for safety police and must meet specified requirements: years of employment, performance standards, education, Peace Officer Standard Training, and perform a specialty assignment
Off-Salary-Schedule PayYes Can be reportable in lieu of a negotiated salary increase up to 6% per fiscal year; cannot be combined with a salary increase
Physical Fitness ProgramYesYesOnly for safety fire and safety police
Value of Employer-Paid Member Contributions (VEPMC)Yes Resolution must be established with CalPERS and must be adopted via the employer's governing body
Special Compensation TypeClassicPEPRANotes
Applicator's DifferentialYesYes 
Certified Public Accountant IncentiveYesYes 
Educational IncentiveYesYes 
Emergency Medical Technician PayYesYesOnly for safety fire and safety police
Engineering Registration PremiumYesYesOnly for engineers
Government Agency Required LicensesYesYes 
International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) CertificateYesYesOnly for building inspectors
Mechanical PremiumYesYesOnly for mechanics with a Brake Adjustment License, SMOG Inspector License, etc.
National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence (NIASE) CertificateYesYesOnly for mechanics
Notary PayYesYesOnly for clerical employees
Paramedic PayYesYes 
Peace Officer Standard Training (POST) Certificate PayYesYesOnly for safety police
Reading Specialist PremiumYesYesOnly for certificated school employees
Recertification Bonus/CertificateYesYesOnly for safety fire
Special Class Driver's License PayYesYesOnly for school bus drivers or street maintenance employees
Undergraduate/Graduate/Doctoral CreditYesYesOnly for miscellaneous
Special Compensation TypeClassicPEPRANotes
Temporary Upgrade PayYes Cannot be for additional duties under their current classification as that would be considered performing overtime for the additional duties; the member must be performing the duties based on the upgraded classification without performing duties of their current classification
Special Compensation TypeClassicPEPRANotes
Accountant PremiumYesYes 
Administrative Secretary PremiumYesYes 
Aircraft/Helicopter Pilot PremiumYesYesOnly for safety fire and safety police
Asphalt Work PremiumYesYes 
Audio Visual PremiumYesYes 
Auditorium Preparation PremiumYesYes 
Bilingual PremiumYesYes 
Branch Assignment PremiumYesYes 
Canine Officer/Animal PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police and for compensation related to on-duty or normal working hours; not reportable for off-duty or after-hours
Cement Finisher PremiumYesYes 
Circulation Librarian PremiumYesYesOnly for library employees
Computer Operations PremiumYesYes 
Confidential PremiumYesYesOnly for rank-and-file employees
Contract Administrator Coordinator PremiumYesYesOnly for school employees
Crime Scene Investigator PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Critical Care Differential PremiumYesYesOnly for nursing staff
D.A.R.E. PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Detective Division PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Detention Services PremiumYesYesGenerally, for nursing staff and safety police
DUI Traffic Officer PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Extradition Officer PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Fire Inspector PremiumYesYesOnly for safety fire
Fire Investigator PremiumYesYesOnly for safety fire
Fire Prevention Assignment PremiumYesYesOnly for rank-and-file employees
Fire Staff PremiumYesYesOnly for rank-and-file employees
Flight Time PremiumYesYesOnly for safety fire and safety police
Float Differential ProgramYesYesOnly for nurses
Front Desk Assignment (Jail)YesYesOnly for employees staffing a jail
Fugitive Officer PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Gang Detail Assignment PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Gas Maintenance PremiumYesYesOnly for maintenance employees
Grading Assignment PremiumYesYes 
Hazard PremiumYesYes 
Heavy/Special Equipment OperatorYesYes 
Height PremiumYesYes 
Housing Specialist PremiumYesYesOnly for city housing specialists
Juvenile Officer PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Lead Worker/Supervisor PremiumYesYes 
Library Reference Desk PremiumYesYesOnly for library staff
MCO Instructor PremiumYesYes 
Motorcycle Patrol PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Mounted Patrol PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Narcotic Division PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Paramedic Coordinator PremiumYesYesOnly for safety fire and safety police paramedics
Park Construction PremiumYesYesOnly for groundskeepers
Park Maintenance/Equipment Manager PremiumYesYesOnly for park maintenance employees
Parking Citation PremiumYesYesOnly for miscellaneous and safety police
Patrol PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Plumber Irrigation System PremiumYesYesOnly for plumbers
Police Administrative OfficerYesYesOnly for safety police; rank-and-file employees
Police Investigator PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police; rank-and-file employees
Police Liaison PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police; rank-and-file employees
Police Polygraph OfficerYesYesOnly for safety police
Police Records Assignment PremiumYesYesOnly for miscellaneous and safety police
Rangemaster PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Refugee Arrival Cleanup PremiumYesYes 
Refuse Collector PremiumYesYesOnly for maintenance employees
Safety Officer Training/Coordinator PremiumYesYes 
Sandblasting PremiumYesYes 
School Yard PremiumYesYesOnly for part-time school district employees
Search Pay PremiumYesYesOnly for miscellaneous and safety police
Severely Disabled PremiumYesYesOnly for school instructional aides
Sewer Crew PremiumYesYes 
Shift DifferentialYesYesGenerally, for graveyard, swing shift, split shift, weekends, etc.; not for daytime
Solo Patrol PremiumYesYesOnly for safety police
Sprinkler and Backflow PremiumYesYesOnly for groundskeepers
Street Lamp Replacement PremiumYesYesOnly for maintenance employees
Tiller PremiumYesYes 
Tire Technician PremiumYesYes 
Traffic Detail PremiumYesYes 
Training PremiumYesYes 
Tree Crew PremiumYesYesOnly for maintenance employees
Utilities System Operation PremiumYesYesOnly for maintenance or carpenter employees
Utility Meter PremiumYesYes 
Water Certification PremiumYesYes 
Special Compensation TypeClassicPEPRANotes
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)YesYesNot reportable for PEPRA miscellaneous employees
Holiday PayYesYesEmployees must work in positions that require scheduled staffing without regard to holidays; floating holidays are not reportable
Uniform AllowanceYes Uniform Allowance is not reportable for PEPRA employees. For classic members this excludes items that are solely for personal health and safety, such as protective vests, pistols, bullets, and safety shoes.