Reciprocity (Linking Retirement Systems)
Reciprocity allows you to move from one retirement system to another without losing your benefits. CalPERS' reciprocal agreement with other California public retirement systems can allow you to coordinate your benefits between the two systems when you retire.
When you change retirement systems:
- At retirement, you must apply to retire from both systems using the same retirement date, unless you meet retirement eligibility requirements in the other system before meeting our age requirement.
- The highest final compensation from either system can be used to calculate your retirement benefit, but you'll receive separate retirement benefit payments from each system.
- There's no transfer of your retirement contributions or service credit between retirement systems.
- You'll be a member of both systems and are subject to the membership, benefits, and rights of each system.
As a result of the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA), CalPERS will consider reciprocity when we determine your benefit formula. Refer to your member benefit publication for new formulas in effect due to PEPRA.
To submit a request to establish reciprocity, log in to your myCalPERS account and select Retirement, then select Retirement Summary from the drop-down list. Under Reciprocity, select submit a request to establish reciprocity. Once your request is submitted, we’ll send you a letter confirming we received your authorized request to establish reciprocity. You can access your online request in myCalPERS to monitor the determination status.
For more information, including a list of reciprocal retirement systems that have agreements with CalPERS, refer to When You Change Retirement Systems (PUB 16) (PDF).