Health Program Contracts

New Contracts

If your agency is interested in participating in the CalPERS Health Benefits Program, email the Health Program Consultation Services Unit, at, or call (916) 795-1233.

Our representatives will provide you with the necessary information and guide you through the onboarding process. To join our program, agencies must adopt a resolution (provided by CalPERS) to be subject to the provisions of the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA). For the smoothest transition, we recommend resolutions are filed with CalPERS at least four months before you want coverage to begin.

Already Have a CalPERS Health Contract?

If your agency would like to make changes to its monthly employer health contribution, add or remove an optional provision such as vesting, or terminate its health contract, email the Health Resolutions and Compliance Unit at

More Information

For information on eligibility and enrollment, plans and rates, and Medicare, visit Health Benefits for active members. Contact us at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377) for any additional employer questions.

Read more about our health program on our Health Benefits page.

Terminating Your Health Contract

A contracting agency may elect to terminate its participation from the Public Employees' Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA) by resolution adopted by the majority vote of its governing board. This resolution must be filed with CalPERS no later than 60 days after the board announces the health premium rates for the following year. Once filed, the election to terminate is irrevocable and termination is effective at the end of the current contract year. Agencies can't become subject to PEMHCA again within five years of termination.

If your agency wishes to terminate its health contract, email the Health Resolutions and Compliance Unit at