Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is an independent, nonprofit, non-governmental regulatory body charged with setting accounting and financial reporting standards for state and local governments.
GASB 74 & 75
Refer to California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust Fund (CERBT) for details regarding GASB Statements No. 74 and 75.
GASB 67 & 68
GASB Statements No. 67 and 68 changed the way pension liabilities are reported.
- GASB Statement 67 (PDF) replaces the requirements of the existing GASB Statement 25 (PDF), Financial Reporting for Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Note Disclosures for Defined Contribution Plans, effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2013.
- GASB Statement 68 (PDF) replaces the requirements of GASB Statement 27 (PDF), Accounting for Pensions by State and Local Governmental Employers. This reporting requirement applies to the generally accepted accounting principles-based financial statements of employers and is effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2014. These changes won't affect the amount of contributions sent to CalPERS; GASB 68 is an accounting change only and not related to funding.
- Beginning with Fiscal Year 2014-15, GASB Statement 68 will require reporting of the net pension liability in accrual-based financial statements. This is distinctly different than previous methods in which funding and accounting were aligned.
Under GASB, CalPERS employer groups are categorized into three types of plans:
- A single-employer plan is a defined benefit pension plan used to provide pensions to employees of only one employer.
- An agent multiple-employer plan has assets pooled for investment purposes, but separate accounts are maintained for each individual employer so each employer's share of the pooled assets is legally available to pay the benefits of only its employees.
- A cost-sharing multiple-employer plan has pension obligations to the employees of more than one employer that are pooled, and the pension plan assets can be used to the pay the benefits of the employees of any employer that provides pensions through the pension plan. Generally, public agency plans with less than 100 active members are pooled plans, which are considered cost-sharing multiple-employer plans.
Employer Group | Reporting Classification |
State of California | Agent multiple-employer |
Schools - non-teaching | Cost-sharing multiple-employer |
Public agencies - pooled | Cost-sharing multiple-employer |
Public agencies - non-pooled | Agent multiple-employer |
Judges' Retirement Fund Judges' II Retirement Fund Legislators' Retirement Fund | Single-employer |
If you're a public agency, there are two ways to determine whether you're an agent or cost-sharing multiple-employer plan. The cover page of your GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Report will identify the type of plan. Alternatively, if your Annual Actuarial Valuation Report for funding purposes has sections 1 and 2 reported, then the plan is a cost-sharing plan; otherwise it's an agent plan.
Employers are required to report on their financial balance sheet their net pension liability, i.e., the unfunded liability for the pension benefits promised to current employees, retirees, and their beneficiaries.
The following figures will be required to be determined, related to defined-benefit pension plans as of a date (measurement date), no earlier than the end of the employer's prior fiscal year:
- Net pension liability (asset)
- Pension deferred outflows and deferred inflows of resources related to pensions
- Pension expense (income)
Employers participating in single-employer or agent multiple-employer plans will recognize 100 percent of the above amounts for each plan. Employers participating in cost-sharing plans will recognize their share of the risk pools collective amounts.
Net pension liability represents total pension liability less the fiduciary net position of the pension plan. Changes in net pension liability will be immediately recognized as pension expense or reported as deferred outflows/inflows of resources depending on the nature of the change.
There are also substantial changes to methods and assumptions used to determine actuarial information for GASB reporting:
- Disclosures and required supplementary information related to pensions are expanded.
- Entry Age Normal is the only allowable actuarial cost method.
- Projected benefit payments should include effects of ad hoc Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) considered substantively automatic.
- A single blended rate should be used to discount projected future benefit payments, based on two factors.
- The long-term expected rate of return on plan investments (net of investment expenses) that are expected to finance pension benefits to the extent that the plan’s fiduciary net position is projected to be sufficient to make projected benefit payments and is expected to be invested, using a strategy to achieve that return
- A yield or index rate for 20-year, tax-exempt general obligation (municipal) bonds with an average rating of AA or higher, to the extent that the conditions above are not met
Public agency employers with agent plans can request their GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports and census data via myCalPERS based on the following schedule and fee:
- Measurement Date June 30, 2024 - Available to order now until October 31, 2026, for $2,250 per plan
- Measurement Date June 30, 2023 - Available to order now until October 31, 2025, for $2,250 per plan
Refer to the Ordering Instructions for GASB 68 (PDF) to order and retrieve reports.
Census data of plan members will be available at no additional charge to agent multiple- employers as part of their request for their GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports. Census data is only available for agent multiple-employer plans (non-pooled plans). The census data provided by CalPERS will include active, inactive, and retired members and will be in a CSV text file format.
CalPERS is prohibited from distributing member names and Social Security numbers. Employers can utilize myCalPERS and their CalPERS ID to retain this information if needed. A full listing of the census data file elements are posted below under the associated measurement reporting period.
All ordered and paid for public agency agent reports and associated census data are available now through myCalPERS.
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2024
- GASB 68 Independent Accountant's Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (Agent) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position by Rate Plan - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (Agent) (PDF)
- Notes to the Agent - GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (PDF)
- GASB 68 Crossover Test Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (PDF)
- GASB 68 Census Data File Layout for June 30, 2023 (PDF)
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2023
- GASB 68 Independent Accountant's Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (Agent) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Schedule of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position by Rate Plan - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (Agent) (PDF)
- Notes to the Agent - GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (PDF)
- GASB 68 Crossover Test Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
- GASB 68 Census Data File Layout for June 30, 2022 (PDF)
Public agency cost-sharing employers are not required to order GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports as they will be available on the CalPERS website.
The public agency cost-sharing fee for the GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Report and supporting schedules is $350 per rate plan, per year. Each employer will receive one invoice that contains a total amount charged for all cost-sharing rate plans associated with the employer.
GASB 68 Employer Tool
Our tool assists public agency cost-sharing employers with calculating their GASB 68 journal entries and miscellaneous year-end reporting items:
- GASB 68 Employer Tool – Send request to
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2024
- GASB 68 Miscellaneous Risk Pool Accounting Valuation Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Safety Risk Pool Accounting Valuation Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Public Agency Schedules of Employer Allocations and Collective Pension Amounts - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- GASB 68 Crossover Test Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (PDF)
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2023
- GASB 68 Miscellaneous Risk Pool Accounting Valuation Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Safety Risk Pool Accounting Valuation Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF)
- GASB 68 Public Agency Schedules of Employer Allocations and Collective Pension Amounts - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (Cost-Sharing) (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- GASB 68 Crossover Test Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2023 (PDF, 1.8 MB)
School employers are not required to order GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Reports as they will be available on the CalPERS website. The fee for the GASB 68 Accounting Valuation Report is $350 per district. The County Office of Education will receive one invoice that contains a total amount charged for all districts.
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2024
- GASB 68 Schools Accounting Valuation Report - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (PDF)
- GASB 68 Schools Schedules of Employer Allocations and Collective Pension Amounts - Measurement Date June 30, 2024 (PDF)
GASB 68 Reports for Measurement Date June 30, 2023
CalPERS will provide the following support:
- Engage an external auditor to:
- Issue an examination report over selected management's assertions related to census data maintained by CalPERS and opine on the schedule of changes in fiduciary net position by rate plan as a whole and on each rate plan column in the schedule for the agent multiple employer plans
- Opine on the schedule of employer allocations and related notes and the schedule of collective pension amounts for school cost-sharing multiple-employer plans
- Opine on the total net pension liability, total deferred outflows of resources, total deferred inflows of resources, and total pension expense related to public agency cost-sharing multiple-employer plans
- Provide employers with the note disclosures required by the new reporting standards, upon request
- Provide net pension liability and other pension-related amounts to assist employers with GASB 68 based on the type of plan (e.g., agent or cost-sharing) in which the employer is participating, if requested
Check this page frequently for updates regarding the GASB 68 implementation and email us if you have specific questions. You may also subscribe to the Employer Bulletin to receive updates regarding the new reporting requirements.