Ramón Rubalcava

Board Member


Public representative


  • Pension & Health Benefits, Chair
  • Board Governance
  • Finance & Administration
  • Investment

Board Terms

Appointed jointly by the Speaker of the Assembly and the Senate Rules Committee


Ramón Rubalcava is serving his second appointment to the CalPERS Board of Administration.

He has worked for SEIU Local 721, the public-sector union serving workers in Southern California, for over 30 years, initially as a researcher, and currently as the director of Member Benefits and Employer Relations.

Ramón also serves on two committees for the County of Los Angeles: Benefits Administration, and the Plan Administrative Committee for the Horizons Deferred Compensation and Thrift Plan. In addition, he is an alternate member of the Los Angeles City Joint Labor Management Benefits Committee.

He has successfully completed certificate programs from the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, including the Certificate of Achievement in Public Plan Policy for both pension and health administration.