Joint Venture Procedures

In a CalPERS request for proposal (RFP), a joint venture is a partnership between people or companies formed to submit a proposal and perform work if awarded the contract.


If you want to be considered for a contract based on combined or joint efforts, your proposal must clearly describe if you're forming a joint venture, using a "prime contractor/subcontractor" relationship or some other vehicle.

You must provide a:

  • Complete copy of the written joint venture agreement signed by each party
  • Full, clear description of how you propose to divide the labor in fulfilling the CalPERS contract
  • Full and clear description of the qualifications and characteristics of each party

Your proposal may be rejected if these requirements are not met.

Minimum Qualifications

Joint ventures must meet the minimum qualifications (MQs) in one of two ways:

  • The joint venture, if formed as a separate legal entity, may itself fully satisfy all MQs; or
  • The joint venture partners may “mix and match” their individual experience and qualifications to fully satisfy all MQs

Organizational size or duration does not impact the scoring criteria unless CalPERS determines it will affect the quality and cost-effectiveness of services being performed under the contract.

If a contract is awarded, the documentation submitted under CalPERS Joint Venture Procedures will be incorporated as part of the Agreement.

Contract Policies