Asset Liability Management (ALM)
The Asset Liability Management (ALM) process is an integrated review of our assets and liabilities to inform decisions designed to achieve a sound and sustainable fund.
The goal of the ALM process is to balance the expected cost of future pension payments with the expected future investment returns. During the process, the CalPERS board reviews its overall risks, taking into consideration the long-term sustainability of the system.
This formal process runs on a four-year cycle and includes a review of CalPERS’ investment portfolios and retirement plan liabilities. Liability projections are based on demographic and economic factors and trends, including membership dynamics, future salary and payroll growth, retirement ages, inflation, and life expectancy.
This transparent approach is overseen by the board and used to make sound decisions that applies to the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund (PERF) and our affiliate funds.
ALM Cycle Videos