Organization Directory
CalPERS Customer Contact Center
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
TTY: (877) 249-7442 (this number does not accept voice calls)
Fax: (800) 959-6545
International Calls: +1 916-795-3000
Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
We're closed on state holidays.
P.O. Box 942701
Sacramento, CA 94229-2701
Phone: (916) 795-3829
Fax: (916) 795-3972
The California Employers' Pension Prefunding Trust (CEPPT) is a multiple-employer pension contribution prefunding trust fund administered by CalPERS.
Prefunding Programs
CEPPT (Pension Prefunding)
P.O. Box 1494
Sacramento, CA 95812-1494
Mailing Address Through FedEx
Prefunding Programs
CEPPT (Pension Prefunding)
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
The California Employers' Retiree Benefit Trust (CERBT) is a multiple-employer Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) trust fund administered by CalPERS.
Prefunding Programs
P.O. Box 1494
Sacramento, CA 95812-1494
Mailing Address Through FedEx
Prefunding Programs
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
CalPERS Operations Support Services Division
400 Q Street, Room W2580
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: (916) 795-3020
Fax: (916) 795-3379
Bid Submissions
Lincoln Plaza West
400 Q Street, Room W1570
Sacramento, CA 95811
The CalPERS Disability Fraud Tip Line is a voice mailbox to report CalPERS members suspected of misrepresenting their disabilities to collect retirement benefits. You can provide your name and phone number, or leave an anonymous voicemail. You will not be contacted unless you specifically ask to be called for further details. All information will remain confidential as much as possible.
Contact the tip line at (888) 330-5770 and include the following information:
- Name of the suspected member
- Spelling of the suspected member's name
- Suspected member's address or city
- Details of the suspected member's questionable activity
- Reason for your suspicion
Tip line information is forwarded to CalPERS investigators and program staff for evaluation and resolution.
Survivor & Death Benefits Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1652
Sacramento, CA 95812-1652
Disability Retirement Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2796
Sacramento, CA 95812-2796
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
P.O. Box 942709
Sacramento, CA 94229-2709
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
The Employer Response Team assists employers with their most critical, complex, or time-sensitive issues. For general questions and daily operational inquiries, call 888 CalPERS or (888-225-7377).
Contact the Employer Response Team for:
- Critical, time-sensitive requests, such as documents needed for labor negotiations or Board meetings
- Issues that may be sensitive due to media coverage, subject matter, or the employee's position
- Resolution after contacting CalPERS several times for an issue we haven't been able to resolve timely, or where you've received conflicting information
Phone: (800) 253-4594
The Employer Technical Support Team works with external stakeholders to ensure accurate reporting and timely data to sustain retirement and health benefits. Our services include assistance with XML file reporting, participant appointment data-integrity, and addressing myCalPERS performance and usability concerns.
Contact the Employer Technical Support Team for:
- XML file readiness and validation support or FTP connectivity
- myCalPERS system navigation questions and issues
- Retirement Appointment Reconciliation and participant appointment maintenance
Email (Standard response time is 5 business days)
For general questions and daily operational inquiries, call 888 CalPERS or (888-225-7377).
Phone: (866) 513-4216
TTY: (866) 294-9572 (this number does not accept voice calls)
Lincoln Plaza North
400 Q Street, Room 3340
Sacramento, CA 95811
P.O. Box 942701
Sacramento, CA 94229-2701
Phone: (916) 795-3829
Fax: (916) 795-3410
CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations - External Visitors Program
P.O. Box 942701
Sacramento, CA 94229-2701
Health Account Management Division
P.O. Box 942715
Sacramento, CA 94229-2715
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
TTY: (877) 249-7442 (this number does not accept voice calls)
Fax: (800) 959-6545
P.O. Box 942715
Sacramento, CA 94229-2714
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
Lincoln Plaza North
400 Q Street, Room 3260
Sacramento, CA 95811
P.O. Box 942718
Sacramento, CA 94229-2718
Phone: (916) 795-3065
Fax: (916) 795-4001
Lincoln Plaza East
400 Q Street, Room 4800
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: (916) 795-3400
P.O. Box 942705
Sacramento, CA 94229-2705
Phone: (916) 795-3688
P.O. Box 942720
Sacramento, CA 94229-2720
Phone: (916) 795-3689
Lincoln Plaza North
400 Q Street, Room 3480
Sacramento, CA 95811
P.O. Box 1802
Sacramento, CA 95812-1802
Phone: (916) 795-3991
P.O. Box 942704
Sacramento, CA 94229-2704
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations - PRA Unit
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
Phone: (916) 795-3055
Mailing Address for Retired Members
P.O. Box 942716
Sacramento, CA 94229-2716
Mailing Address for Active Members
P.O. Box 942711
Sacramento, CA 94229-2711
Phone: 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377)
The CalPERS advocate provides advocacy, outreach, and help with certification and finding a subcontractor.
SB & DVBE Advocate
400 Q Street, Lincoln Plaza West
Sacramento, CA 95811
CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations – Strategic Stakeholder Outreach
400 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811
CalPERS - State Social Security Administrator Program
P.O. Box 720720
Sacramento, CA 94229-0720
Phone: (916) 795-0810
Mailing addresses for the CalPERS 457 Plan and the CalPERS Supplemental Contributions Plan (SCP):
Participant Forms
Voya Financial™
Attn: CalPERS
P.O. Box 389
Hartford, CT 06141
Note: Don't use this address if you're planning to mail rollover forms.
Rollover Forms
Voya Financial™
Attn: CalPERS
P.O. Box 990071
Hartford, CT 06199
Note: This mailing address is for regular mail only. For overnight mail, use the address for overnight participants forms.
Overnight Participant Forms
Voya Financial™
Attn: CalPERS
One Orange Way
Windsor, CT 06095
Fax for Participant Forms
Voya Financial™
(888) 228-6185
Requests for Agency Adoption Agreements & Optional Provisions
CalPERS 457 Plan
P.O. Box 942713
Sacramento, CA 94229-2713
(800) 696-3907 – Employer Services
(800) 260-0659 – Participant Line for CalPERS 457 Plan
(800) 260-0659 – Participant Line for CalPERS Supplemental Contributions Plan (SCP)