Business Rules & myCalPERS Classes
Our instructor-led and self-paced online employer classes are designed to help you understand your business-related reporting responsibilities. You'll learn how to effectively use myCalPERS and avoid late fees and administrative costs.
Register for classes by logging in to your myCalPERS business partner account, and then selecting the Education tab. We recommend taking the Business Rules classes before the myCalPERS classes to ensure a comprehensive and well-structured CalPERS education experience.
If you don't have myCalPERS access, contact your agency’s system access administrator.
To request training at your office, contact our employer education team at Our educators can visit your agency to provide tailored education and training at no cost.
Join our in-person and virtual classes with live instructors. You can learn retirement and health business rules or how to navigate and process transactions in myCalPERS.
Business Rules
Gain a better understanding of the laws and rules associated with your agency’s retirement and/or health contract. Our classes are employer-specific and customized to your employer type: school, public agency, or state.
- Business Rules (3 hours) — Discover valuable resources to assist you with your CalPERS-related business. Learn about reference guides, retirement contracts, membership, payroll, special compensation, retirement benefits, reporting responsibilities, and the CalPERS website.
- Advanced Compensation (1.5 hours) — Expand your knowledge about the laws and rules associated with compensation reporting. Topics include pay schedule compliance, compensation limits and how to report, reporting scenarios and errors, and language templates for labor agreements. We recommend you take the Business Rules class for your agency type prior to taking an advanced class.
- Advanced Membership (1.5 hours) — Go beyond the basics of membership reporting with information on the laws and rules associated with correctly enrolling and reporting your employees’ CalPERS membership. Topics include employment certification, membership qualifications, reciprocal self-certification, independent contractors, and post-retirement employment. We recommend you take the Business Rules class for your agency type prior to taking an advanced class.
- Business Rules: Health (2.5 hours) — Understand your responsibilities as a CalPERS health benefits officer. Learn about the health plan options, eligibility and enrollment requirements, health benefits into retirement, health resources on the CalPERS website, health benefits guides, and reporting responsibilities.
Our classes are organized in a specific sequence across three days. Each class is unique and requires separate registration through myCalPERS. This allows you to attend the classes necessary for your business partner role.
Business Rules In-Person or Virtual Instructor-Led Training
Class Day | Class Time | Delivery Method | Topic |
Day 1 | 1:00–4:00 p.m. | In Person or Virtual | Business Rules for School Employers |
Day 2 | 8:30–11:30 a.m. | Virtual | Business Rules for Public Agency Employers |
Day 2 | 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | In Person | Business Rules for Public Agency Employers |
Day 2 | 1:00–3:30 p.m. | In Person or Virtual | Business Rules: Health for Public Agency and School Employers |
Day 3 | 8:30–10:00 a.m. | Virtual | Advanced Compensation |
Day 3 | 9:00–10:30 a.m. | In Person | Advanced Compensation |
Day 3 | 10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. | Virtual | Advanced Membership |
Day 3 | 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. | In Person | Advanced Membership |
State Business Rules classes are offered periodically on day three of training or by request.
2025 Business Rules Classes
Dates | Venue |
Jan 7-9 | Virtual |
Jan 28-30 | Shasta County Office of Education |
Feb 4-6 | Virtual |
Mar 4-6 | Virtual |
Mar 18–20 | Fresno Regional Office |
Apr 1–3 | Virtual |
Apr 15–17 | Orange Regional Office |
May 6–8 | Virtual |
May 13-15 | Walnut Creek Regional Office |
May 27–29 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Jun 3–5 | Virtual |
Jun 17–19 | San Diego Regional Office |
Jul 1-3 | Virtual |
Jul 15-17 | Virtual |
Jul 22-24 | Glendale Regional Office |
Aug 5-7 | Virtual |
Aug 19-21 | Virtual |
Aug 26-28 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
Sep 2-4 | Virtual |
Sep 16-18 | Virtual |
Sep 23-25 | San Jose Regional Office |
Oct 7-9 | Virtual |
Oct 21-23 | Virtual |
Nov 4-6 | Virtual |
Nov 18-20 | Virtual |
Dec 2-4 | Virtual |
Dec 16–18 | Virtual |
Log in to your myCalPERS business partner account for the most updated schedule that may include added classes or changes.
Learn how to navigate and process transactions in myCalPERS. Attend an in-person class for a hands-on experience where you can complete transactions in a training environment. Or join a virtual class where an instructor will demonstrate the scenarios in our student guides.
- myCalPERS Health Enrollment (3 hours) — Process new health enrollments and changes, rescind a transaction, review health enrollment details, change a dependent's demographics, and run health reports.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS Health Enrollment (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- myCalPERS Retirement Enrollment (2.5 hours) — Verify membership status, add or change appointments for active employees and retired annuitants, and reconcile and maintain appointment statuses.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS Retirement Enrollment (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- myCalPERS Payroll Reporting (2.5 hours) — Use the online-data-entry method to create an earned period report, add and maintain records, process a report, and reconcile missing payroll.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS Payroll Reporting (PDF, 2.5 MB)
- myCalPERS Payroll Adjustments (2.5 hours) — Use the online-data-entry method to report retroactive payroll records and make corrections.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS Payroll Adjustments (PDF, 2.1 MB)
- myCalPERS Employer Reports (Cognos) (1.5 hours) — Run reports and use Cognos tools in myCalPERS.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS Employer Reports (Cognos) (PDF)
- myCalPERS System Access Administration (2 hours) — Learn the roles and responsibilities of a myCalPERS system access administrator, add and maintain your agency's contacts and system users, and maintain your agency's information.
- Student Guide - myCalPERS System Access Administration (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Our classes are organized in a specific sequence across three days. Each class is unique and requires separate registration through myCalPERS. This allows you to attend the classes necessary for your business partner role.
myCalPERS In-Person or Virtual Instructor-Led Training
Class Day | Class Time | Delivery Method | Topic |
Day 1 | 8:30–11:30 a.m. | In Person or Virtual | myCalPERS Health Enrollment |
Day 1 | 12:30–3:00 p.m. | In Person | myCalPERS Retirement Enrollment |
Day 1 | 1:00–3:30 p.m. | Virtual | myCalPERS Retirement Enrollment |
Day 2 | 8:30–11:00 a.m. | In Person or Virtual | myCalPERS Payroll Reporting |
Day 2 | 12:00–2:30 p.m. | In Person | myCalPERS Payroll Adjustments |
Day 2 | 1:00–3:30 p.m. | Virtual | myCalPERS Payroll Adjustments |
Day 3 | 8:30–10:00 a.m. | In Person or Virtual | Employer Reports (Cognos) |
Day 3 | 1:00–3:00 p.m. (every other month) | Virtual | myCalPERS System Access Administration |
2025 myCalPERS Class Schedule
Date | Venue |
Jan 14-16 | San Jose Regional Office |
Jan 21-23 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
Jan 28-30 | San Diego Regional Office |
Feb 11-13 | Virtual |
Feb 18-20 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Feb 25-27 | Orange Regional Office |
Mar 11-13 | Virtual (Including myCalPERS System Access Administration) |
Mar 18-20 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Mar 18-20 | Walnut Creek Regional Office |
Mar 25–27 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
Apr 8–10 | Virtual |
Apr 15–17 | Fresno Regional Office |
Apr 15–17 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Apr 22–24 | Glendale Regional Office |
May 13–15 | Virtual (Including myCalPERS System Access Administration) |
Jun 10–12 | Virtual |
Jul 8–10 | Virtual |
Jul 8–10 | Orange Regional Office |
Jul 22–24 | San Jose Regional Office |
Jul 22–24 | San Diego Regional Office |
Jul 22–24 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
Jul 29-31 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Jul 29–31 | Glendale Regional Office |
Aug 12-14 | Virtual |
Aug 12-14 | Fresno Regional Office |
Aug 26-28 | Walnut Creek Regional Office |
Aug 26-28 | Orange Regional Office |
Aug 26-28 | San Jose Regional Office |
Sep 9-11 | Virtual |
Sep 9–11 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
Sep 23–25 | Glendale Regional Office |
Sep 23-25 | San Diego Regional Office |
Sep 30 - Oct 2 | Sacramento Regional Office |
Sep 30 - Oct 2 | Walnut Creek Regional Office |
Oct 14-16 | Virtual |
Nov 12-14 | Virtual |
Dec 9-11 | Virtual |
Log in to your myCalPERS business partner account for the most updated schedule that may include added classes or changes.
Self-Paced Online Classes
Take our self-paced online classes that are available 24 hours a day. Log in to your myCalPERS business partner account and select the Education tab. Our classes are designed to help you understand retirement and health business rules, navigate myCalPERS, and efficiently perform transactions.
Business Rules
- CalPERS 101: More Than Just a Retirement System
- Retirement Contracts for Public Agencies & Schools
- Qualifications for California State Universities (CSU)
- Qualifications for Public Agencies, State Agencies & Schools
- Requirements for Public Agencies & Schools
- Working After Retirement
- The Importance of Accurately Reporting Payroll
- Special Compensation for Public Agencies & Schools
- Health Plan Options
- Health Benefits Officer Roles & Responsibilities
- Health Eligibility Requirements
- Health Enrollment
- Health Benefits Into Retirement
- Retiree Dental & Vision Coverage (state only)
- Survivor Health Benefits
- Contracting Agency Health Billing (public agency & schools only)
- Navigation
- Submit an Inquiry
- Maintain Your Agency’s Address & Communication Information
- Add & Maintain Business Partner Contacts
- Change Username, Unlock Account & Reset Password
- Navigate Your Retirement Contract Benefits
- Add a Position Title
- Add a New Appointment
- Edit Reciprocal Information
- Enrolling a Retired Annuitant
- Add Appointment Events
- Out-of-Class Reporting
- Copy Forward an Earned Period Report
- Maintain Payroll Records
- Manage Records in a Payroll Report
- Report a Zero Payroll Record
- Reporting & Adjusting Special Compensation
- Reporting Earnings Over the Compensation Limit
- Request Extension for an Earned Period Report
- Adjustment Reports
- View Service & Transaction History
- Certify a Leave of Absence Service Credit Purchase Request
- Service Credit Purchase & Arrears
- New Enrollment
- Non-CalPERS Enrollment
- Non-PERS Continued Health Into Retirement
- Non-PERS and CalSTRS New Enrollment
- Change Plan
- Add a Dependent
- Delete Dependent
- COBRA Enrollment for Deleted Dependents
- COBRA Enrollment for Employees
- Dental Enrollment Into Retirement
- Cancellation
- Rescission
- Set Up Direct Pay
- Reconcile State-Active Premiums
- Billing Reconciliation
- Add a Payment Account
- Paying a Receivable
- Projected Contributions
- View Billing & Payment Summary & Payment History
- Reconcile by Appointments
- Reconcile by Earned Period Report
- Reconcile by Rate Plan Receivables
- Run & Schedule Employer Reports