Member Education

Take advantage of our member events and classes to learn about your benefits and plan for retirement. Subscribe to our Member Education Bulletin to be notified of upcoming educational opportunities.

Upcoming Events

Most events are free and hosted online. Select the link to find more information and register.

EventDate & TimeFormat

CalPERS Benefits Education Events (CBEEs)

Register for a CBEE to attend informative classes and consult with experts from CalPERS and our partners to get answers to your specific questions. We offer both in-person and virtual CBEEs.

View CBEE InformationIn-Person & Virtual

CalPERS Educational Videos

Whether you are new to the workforce, mid-career or nearing retirement, educational videos can help you plan ahead by better understanding your CalPERS benefits.

View CalendarVirtual

Pathways for Women Conference

Pathways for Women is a dynamic forum meant to inspire career growth and advance women of all backgrounds and professions forward. Stay tuned for upcoming event dates and details.

View Event DetailsConference


The earlier you develop an understanding of your CalPERS benefits and other retirement income sources, the more prepared you’ll be to make informed career and life decisions.

How to Enroll

Log in to myCalPERS and select the Education tab to view class offerings and register. For virtual classes, you can enroll at any of our eight Regional Offices, regardless of your location.

Still have questions after taking a class? Select the Appointment tab in myCalPERS to schedule a one-on-one appointment with one of our specialists. Learn about available appointment types by visiting our Make an Appointment page.

Available Classes

Our virtual and in-person instructor-led, and self-paced online classes are based on your career stages. Select the class that best suits your needs.

Available Classes for Enhancing Member Education
Class DescriptionsFormat

Your CalPERS and You

For members who are new or midway through their career

Get a basic understanding of your CalPERS benefits. Learn about how your retirement benefit is calculated, the options you have to set aside money for retirement in addition to your pension, what happens if you pass away or leave your employer before you retire, the importance of having a power of attorney on file, what you can find and do in your myCalPERS account and more.

Virtual or in-person instructor-led, and self-paced online

Planning Your Retirement

For members within 10 years of retirement

This is our most comprehensive benefits education class that provides a deeper understanding of your benefits as you begin to prepare for retirement. Learn how your pension is calculated, ways to increase it, and the payment options available upon retirement to provide for a beneficiary. Learn how to run estimates through your myCalPERS account.  In this class, you’ll also learn about the CalPERS Special Power of Attorney, employer contracted CalPERS health benefits, and much more.

Virtual or in-person instructor-led, and self-paced online

Your Retirement Application and Beyond

For members ready to apply for retirement

If you've completed the Planning Your Retirement class and are ready to fill out your retirement application, then this class is for you. You’ll be guided through completing your application. This class provides important post-retirement information, such as how to ensure you receive your first check on time, how to change direct deposit, tax withholdings and lump sum beneficiary information after retirement. We will also cover continuation of employer contracted CalPERS health benefits into retirement.

Virtual or in-person instructor-led, and self-paced online

Completing Your Disability Retirement Application

Did you know that you or someone on your behalf, can file a Disability Retirement Election Application for your retirement? If you have a disabling injury or illness that prevents you from performing your usual job duties with your current employer, you may be eligible for disability retirement. In this class, you'll learn how and when to apply, which forms to complete based on your personal situation and the importance of having a power of attorney on file.

Self-paced online

Benefit Basics

This class provides a general overview of your CalPERS benefits and the choices you have to maximize your retirement security.

Virtual or in-person instructor-led

Meetings, Outreach & Presentations

We conduct a variety of meetings, outreach, and presentations on your benefits and other member-related subjects. Select a topic to find more information and check back regularly to see what's happening in your area.


Diabetes Prevention Program

Learn about this cost-free, preventative care program for members.

In person

Planning Your Financial Future

Enhance your financial security by viewing our short video series and then using our Planning Your Financial Future Checklist.


Social Security & Your CalPERS Pension

Learn how the two retirement benefits relate and affect one another.


Contact Us

Need assistance enrolling in an event, class, or making an appointment? Contact us.

Education Center