myCalPERS Release: January 21, 2023
Program | Category | Subject | New/Enhanced Functionality | Impacted Stakeholders |
| New Cognos Report: Retirement Enrollment Preprocessing Errors | Employers are able to download a list of retirement appointments that had errors on their XML file into a format of their choosing. A new “Generate Error Report” button is in the preprocessing area. Note: This enhancement is only available for employers who upload XML files for retirement. |
| Updated 2023 IRC 401(a)(17) and PEPRA Compensation Limits in myCalPERS | myCalPERS now has the 2023 compensation limits for classic and PEPRA members. Find the 2023 limits and reporting instructions in Circular Letter 200-001-23 (PDF). |
| Updated Arrears Processing | If the appeal period of an Arrears Determination has lapsed or been waived, the “Process Report” button must be used before the system will post the records during the overnight process. Note: Once the report is processed, records tied to a completed Arrears Determination can’t be edited or deleted. |
| New Arrears Determination Error Message for Employers | A new error message is generated if an attempt is made to change an Arrears Determination after the 30-day appeal window. If corrections are needed, the original determination must be canceled. |
| Updated Vesting and Health into Retirement Calculator | Members have the ability to view their current health vesting percentage and estimate their health into retirement costs allowing more members to make informed decisions. |
For additional information regarding these enhancements, contact our Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377).