myCalPERS Release: March 4, 2023
Program | Category | Subject | New/Enhanced Functionality | Impacted Stakeholders |
| Updated Cognos Reports: Contribution Detail Report and Contribution Posted Detail Report | Columns have been updated to prevent duplicate data from being displayed when multiple special compensation categories or types are reported in a single payroll record. Reports will display N/A in the Special Compensation Category or Type field if no special compensation data was reported. Columns will show 0 when Run Excel data or Run CSV options are selected if payroll data was not reported. |
| Late Payroll Reporting and Late Payroll Correction Admin Fees | Divisions who’re setup as payroll data owners and report payroll directly to CalPERS will receive billing for their own payroll reporting administrative fees. |
| Health Enrollment File (IA50031) Validation Rules/Error Messages | Validation and error messages on the Health Enrollment File for internal and external users have been updated to help minimize confusion, reduce inquiries, and streamline internal and external processes. |
| Health Enrollment Reason Codes | Additional health enrollment reason codes have been added for specific scenarios:
For additional information regarding these enhancements, contact our Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377).