Notification to Reciprocal Systems – New Reciprocal System: City of Delano Employee Pension Plan

February 15, 2023
Circular Letter: 200-004-23
Topic: Announcements

To: Reciprocal and Non-Reciprocal Retirement Systems


The purpose of this Circular Letter is to inform you that the City of Delano Employee Pension Plan has entered into a reciprocity agreement with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) effective October 8, 2022.


Individuals with membership under the City of Delano Employee Pension Plan and CalPERS, or other reciprocal systems, may now be eligible to establish reciprocity between reciprocal systems, if they meet the eligibility criteria.

We are notifying you to update your reciprocal list and other publications or procedures to include City of Delano Employee Pension Plan as an eligible reciprocal system, if applicable. Our publication and website will be updated shortly to include this new reciprocal system.

City of Delano Employee Pension Plan Contact

Members who have questions specifically relating to service credit earned under the City of Delano Employee Pension Plan should contact:

The City of Delano
Human Resources Department
1005 Eleventh Avenue
Delano, CA 93215
Phone: (661) 721-330 | Fax: (661) 721-3312


If you have any questions, email our Member Election Team at


Renee Ostrander, Chief
Employer Account Management Division