Save 3.4% Interest Through a UAL Lump-Sum Prepayment

March 30, 2023
Circular Letter: 200-017-23
Topic: Financial

To: All Contracting Public Agencies


The purpose of this Circular Letter is to inform you about the option of prepaying your annual unfunded accrued liability (UAL) to save 3.4% interest.

Save 3.4% Interest by Prepaying Annual UAL in July

Springtime is the budget planning season for many public agencies, and we want to make sure you are aware of this cost-saving payment option available to all California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) contracting agencies. If you make a lump-sum prepayment of your annual UAL in July, we will discount your annual payment by 3.4% interest. When your contributions are invested early in the fiscal year it gives a better chance of maximizing potential investment returns throughout the remainder of the year. Last year, nearly 80% of our contracting agencies took advantage of this incentive and saved money. We want to make sure you are aware of this option while planning your budget. This incentive is exclusive to the month of July.

Find Your Prepayment Amount

There are two ways to find your lump-sum prepayment amount. You can view your agency’s most recent actuarial valuation report on the CalPERS website. The annual UAL prepayment amount is found on page 4 under required contributions, or you can contact your assigned actuary.

Payment Timing and Methods

Your UAL receivables for FY 2023-24 are available in myCalPERS starting July 1, 2023. Lump-sum UAL prepayments must be received and posted by CalPERS no later than July 31, 2023, or myCalPERS will automatically set up a 12-month payment plan. Payments should be made using one of the below methods.

Be Prepared: We Switched our EFT Bank Vendor to U.S. Bank

If you use myCalPERS to send electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments to CalPERS, you need to notify your bank of the switch to U.S. Bank, our new vendor beginning on July 1, 2023. If you don’t notify your bank of this change, your payment may be rejected if your account has existing blocks that require your approval to change. More information will be released about this change in a May 2, 2023, Circular Letter.

Payment Method Payment Instructions Due Date
EFT Debit

Log in to myCalPERS to make a payment.

For lump-sum payments, enter the amount of the prepayment manually.

Payments should be set up no later than Friday July 28, 2023, with a settlement date no later than Monday, July 31, 2023.

EFT Credit

Using your own financial institution payment system, send payments to the following:

Bank Name

U.S. Bank*

*See note above about July 1, 2023, bank vendor change


U.S. Bank
630 K Street, Suite 130
Sacramento, CA 95814

ABA/Routing Number


Account Number


Information Text

For credit to: CalPERS

Identify your:

  • myCalPERS ID
  • Receivable ID
  • Amount of payment

EFT credit payments must settle no later than Monday, July 31, 2023.

If submitting a payment using this method for the first time, email CalPERS FCSD Cashiers, prior to your payment settlement to ensure timely processing.

Wire Transfer

Bank Name

Bank of America


2000 Clayton Road Bldg. D, 5th Floor
Concord, CA 94520

ABA/Routing Number:


Account Number:


Information Text

For credit to: State of CA, CalPERS

Identify your:

  • Agency name
  • myCalPERS ID
  • Rate plan ID
  • Receivable ID
  • Reason for payment (UAL)

Wires must settle no later than Monday, July 31, 2023.

To ensure timely crediting to your account, any individual wire totaling more than $5,000,000 will require a 72-hour notice by emailing both FCSD Public Agency Wires, and your assigned actuary. Attach your UAL invoice to the email.

Additional Resources

For additional information on EFT and automated clearing house payment options, refer to the CalPERS Electronic Funds Transfer Student Guide (PDF) located on the CalPERS website.


If you have any questions, contact the CalPERS Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377 888-225-7377).


Michele L. Nix, Acting Chief Financial Officer
CalPERS Financial Office