Elective Officer – Retiree Certification Form

September 27, 2024
Circular Letter: 200-039-24
Topic: Announcements

To: All Public Agency, School, and State Employers


The purpose of this Circular Letter is to inform you of the new retiree certification form now available online. The new Elective Officer - Retiree Certification Form (CalPERS-6203) (PDF) is applicable to the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) retirees serving in an elected or appointed office after retirement.


The Public Employees’ Retirement Law (PERL) allows a retiree of this system to serve in an elected or appointed office after retirement without reinstatement from retirement. However, under, Government (Gov.) Code sections 21222 and 21231, if a retiree serves in an elective office without reinstatement, their retirement allowance based on prior service in that elective office must be suspended. CalPERS also requires you to inform us if a retiree has been elected or appointed to a position or office at your agency.


To assist you with this reporting requirement, CalPERS has developed the Elective Officer - Retiree Certification Form. This form explains the importance of providing CalPERS with accurate information pertaining to prior elective terms to properly determine if retirement benefits should be suspended.

It is the responsibility of the employer to complete the Elective Officer – Retiree Certification Form and return to CalPERS immediately upon election or appointment of a retiree into office in accordance with Gov. Code sections 21222 and 21231. Send the completed form to working_after_retirement@calpers.ca.gov immediately upon the retiree taking office, to avoid further interruption of retirement benefits for the retiree.


If you have questions, call our CalPERS Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377888-225-7377).


Brad Hanson, Chief
Employer Account Management Division

Attachment: Elective Officer - Retiree Certification Form (CalPERS-6203) (PDF)