2023 Open Enrollment Dates and Information

July 10, 2023
Circular Letter: 600-035-23
Topic: Health Benefits

To: All CalPERS Health Benefits Officers and Assistant Health Benefits Officers


The purpose of this Circular Letter is to inform you of important dates for 2023 Open Enrollment as well as upcoming Open Enrollment events and information. This Circular Letter also explains how to sign up for Employer Bulletins to stay informed of California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) news and events.

2023 Open Enrollment Dates

  • Your employees’ Health Plan Statements will be available in their myCalPERS accounts on September 11, 2023. The Health Plan Statement provides an overview of their health premiums for 2023 and 2024 if they don’t change plans or enroll dependents.
  • Open Enrollment is September 18 – October 13, 2023. During this time, your employees can enroll, change health plans, add eligible dependents, remove dependents, or cancel coverage. Your employees are responsible for providing you any necessary documentation to determine their dependents' eligibility for health coverage.
  • The deadline for processing all Open Enrollment transactions is 11:59 p.m. PT on Friday, November 3, 2023. Changes made during Open Enrollment take effect January 1, 2024.

Employer Webinar

On September 7, we will host a webinar at 10 a.m. to provide an overview of 2024 health plan changes, guide you on where to find important Open Enrollment information, and answer any questions you may have. Registration information will be provided through emails and an Employer Bulletin.

Open Enrollment for Employers Webpage

Prior to Open Enrollment, the Open Enrollment for Employers page will be updated with information regarding:

  • Open Enrollment health fairs (available virtually and in-person)
  • Health plan and benefit changes for 2024
  • Health program highlights, employer roles and responsibilities, and Open Enrollment resources

View the Annual Health Plan Changes page for details on health plans, service areas, and benefit design changes for next year.

Member Communications

Later this month, we’ll notify members via email of the 2024 health plan changes. We’re also developing a Quick Tip video to help members understand what an exclusive provider organization (EPO) plan is and how it might benefit them. We’ll include the Quick Tip video in emails, as well as in PERSpective, our member online news site.

In August, we’ll send letters to members impacted by health plan exits and premium increases of 9% or higher. We’ll also include applicable service area expansions so they’re well informed prior to Open Enrollment. We’ll provide you with an overview of the letters on the CalPERS website.

Health Enrollment Self-Service

With your approval, eligible active employees can make many health enrollment changes online through their myCalPERS account.

During the annual Open Enrollment period, all eligible active employees can enroll themselves and their eligible dependents into health benefits or submit Open Enrollment changes online. When an employee changes their health plan online, no action is required within myCalPERS by Human Resources departments. However, certain transactions such as new enrollments, adding a dependent, and some delete dependent transactions, will still require employer review of eligibility and documentation. Employers will receive electronic notification of Open Enrollment transactions and can monitor them through on-demand Cognos reports.

Learn more by visiting Health Enrollment Self-Service for Active Employees.

Employer Bulletins

For the most up-to-date information about CalPERS news and 2023 Open Enrollment, encourage others at your agency to subscribe to Employer Bulletins.

Help Us Serve Our Members Better

Encourage your employees to create their Health Demographic Profile in myCalPERS. It takes less than two minutes to complete and is confidential and secure. Their responses will help us better understand our members and improve the quality of care and health outcomes for all.


If you have questions, contact the CalPERS Customer Contact Center at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377 888-225-7377).


Yesenia Croft, Chief
Health Account Management Division