Publicly Available Pay Schedule Checklist

Creating a new pay schedule can be a challenging process, but we're here to help. Use this checklist as a guide to help you develop a new Publicly Available Pay Schedule (PAPS). Verify each condition on this checklist is met to create a PAPS in compliance under California Code of Regulations section 570.5.

  • The PAPS identifies all positions for the bargaining group or the group or class.
    • If a master salary schedule, identify all positions.
  • The pay rate is represented for each position including a time base.
    • Time base isn’t limited to only: hourly, daily, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly, or annually.
  • The pay rate states the normal monthly rate of pay or base pay.
    • Pay rate cannot include additional compensation.
      • If additional compensation is included, it must meet the definition of special compensations and be reported separately.
    • The schedule will not be compliant if it references another document.
      • Example: For a contracted position the schedule cannot say “See contract or agreement.” The rate of pay must be indicated on the schedule.
  • The PAPS indicates an effective date.
  • If the PAPS is being amended, the revision date is indicated.
  • The PAPS is approved and adopted by the governing body.
    • For a County Office of Education – an elected superintendent can serve as the governing body for approval purposes.
  • The PAPS is easily accessible for public review or posted on the employer’s website.
  • The PAPS will be retained for public inspection for no less than five years.