Health Demographic Profile

Help us serve you better by completing your health demographic profile. It only takes two minutes.

Complete Your Profile

You can also complete your profile by logging in to your myCalPERS account and selecting Go to Health Demographic Profile on the homepage. From there, follow the instructions to complete your profile.

Any CalPERS health member at least 18 years old can complete a profile.

Why It’s Important

Everyone deserves the opportunity to live the healthiest life possible.

We want to learn more about our members and determine which inequities exist for those we provide care for. We’re committed to making necessary changes to ensure everyone has a fair shot at living the healthiest life possible.

We want to ensure that care is equitable and individualized for all members, regardless of race, ethnicity, preferred language, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Demographic information has the power to reveal trends and help us identify whether changes need to be made in the way we provide access and treatment. All in all, this can lead to improved health outcomes for our diverse members.

Inequities exist when it comes to health care; your information will help us better identify those inequities.

Health gaps make it difficult for people in some populations to receive the care they need and deserve. Over time, this leads to poor health outcomes such as higher rates of chronic disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers. By collecting demographic information, we can work to eliminate health disparities among our members.

Your Information is Confidential and Secure

Your information will not be seen by your employer and will only be used by CalPERS and your health plan in the administration of the CalPERS Board’s duties under the Public Employees’ Medical and Hospital Care Act (PEMHCA).

The Information Practices Act of 1977 and the Federal Privacy Act requires CalPERS to provide certain information to individuals who are asked to supply information. You have the right to review your CalPERS membership file. For questions concerning your rights under the Information Practices Act (IPA) of 1977, please contact the HIPAA Unit at P.O. Box 942715, Sacramento, CA 94229-2715.