Board of Administration

Board Committees

Board members serve on committees to review specific programs, projects, or issues and make recommendations to the board. The CalPERS Board of Administration consists of six committees. 

Board Elections

The CalPERS Board of Administration consists of 13 members who are elected, appointed, or hold office ex officio for four-year terms. Their decisions affect all active and retired members.

Board Meetings

The CalPERS Board of Administration and its committees meet each month at CalPERS Headquarters, unless otherwise indicated. Board meetings are open to the public and broadcast live via webcast during open sessions.

Board Members

The board's responsibilities include setting employer contribution rates, determining investment asset allocations, providing actuarial valuations, and much more. 

Governance & Policies

Under the California Constitution, the CalPERS Board of Administration has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of its members and employers. In addition, the board is governed by policies, delegations, guidelines, and beliefs.

Precedential Board Decisions, Appeals & Hearings

CalPERS administers laws and programs for retirement and health benefits, which are all part of the California Government Code.

Occasionally, disputes may arise over the interpretation of these laws or an individual's eligibility for benefits. The board is responsible for resolving these disputes.