Board of Administration Offsite Agenda - July 17-19, 2023

The CalPERS Board of Administration considers recommendations from individual Board committees and hears other matters related to the administration of retirement benefits and investment management.

(Agenda items are provided in a PDF format, which require Adobe Reader 8 or higher to view.)

Monday, July 17, 2023
Agenda – Day One

9:00 a.m. Welcome/Opening

Theresa Taylor, President, CalPERS Board of Administration
Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS

9:15 a.m. Opening Comments

Nicole Musicco, Chief Investment Officer, CalPERS

9:30 a.m. Sustainability and Implications for Asset Owners (Board Education)

Peter Cashion, Managing Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS
Travis Antoniono, Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS
Karen Karniol-Tambour, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater

Sustainability & Implications for Asset Owners

10:30 a.m. - Break

10:45 a.m. - CalPERS' Sustainable Investments 2030 Strategy (Board Education)

Peter Cashion, Managing Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS
Travis Antoniono, Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS

CalPERS Sustainable Investments 2030 Strategy

12:00 p.m. - Lunch

1:00 p.m. - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Innovations in the Investment Industry (Board Education)

Marlene Timberlake D'Adamo, Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer, CalPERS Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Michelle Gadsden-Williams, Global head of DEI, BlackRock
Marcus Shaw, CEO, AltFinance
Jerilyn Castillo McAniff, Head of D&I at Oaktree Capital Management
Alandra Washington, Ph.D, MFA, Vice President of Transformation and Organizational Effectiveness, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Driving Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the Investment Industry
AltFinance: Investing in Black Futures

2:30 p.m. - Break

2:45 p.m. Overview of the Asset Liability Management Mid-Cycle and Strategic Asset Allocation Reviews (Board Education)

Sterling Gunn, Managing Investment Director, Trust Level Portfolio Management & Implementation, CalPERS

Overview of the Asset Liability Management Mid-Cycle and Strategic Asset Allocation

3:15 p.m. Closed Session (Government Code sections 11126(c)(16)

Strategic Discussion of Sustainable Investments Implementation

Peter Cashion, Managing Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS
Travis Antoniono, Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS
Anton Orlich, Managing Investment Director, Private Equity, CalPERS
Kelly Fox, Division Chief, CalPERS Investment Relations, CalPERS

Strategic Asset Allocation Implementation Update

Nicole Musicco, Chief Investment Officer, CalPERS

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Agenda – Day Two

View July 18, 2023 Board of Administration Open Session Meeting Transcript (PDF)

9:00 a.m. - Welcome/Opening

Theresa Taylor, President, CalPERS Board of Administration
Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS

9:15 a.m. Action Item - Approval of 2024 Health Maintenance Organization Premiums and Approval of 2024 Preferred Provider Organization Premiums

Rob Jarzombek, Chief Health Plan Research & Administration, CalPERS

  1. Presentation
    Approval of 2024 Health Maintenance Organization and Preferred Provider Organization Premiums
    1. Attachment 1 (PDF)
    2. Attachment 2 (PDF)
    3. Attachment 3 (PDF)

10:15 a.m. 2024 State Annuitant Contribution Formulas and 2024 Association Plan Premiums

Rob Jarzombek, Chief Health Plan Research & Administration, CalPERS

  1. Presentation
    2024 State Contribution Formulas and Association Plan Premiums
    1. Attachment 1 (PDF)
    2. Attachment 2 (PDF)

10:30 a.m. - Break

10:45 a.m. Improving Health Outcomes and Equity: A Population Health Approach (Board Education)

Dr. Julia Logan, Chief Medical Officer, Clinical Policy and Programs Division, CalPERS
Dr. Elizabeth (Lisa) Albers, Medical Consultant II, Clinical Policy and Programs Division, CalPERS

Improving Health Outcomes and Equity: A Population Health Approach

12:15 p.m. - Lunch

1:15 p.m. Spotlight on CalPERS Health Data Strategy & Research (Board Education)

Jared Shinabery, Chief Health Data Strategy Officer, Health Plan Research and Administration Division, CalPERS
David Cowling, Research Scientist, Clinical Policy & Programs Division, CalPERS

Spotlight on CalPERS Health Data Strategy & Research

2:15 p.m. Enterprise Performance Management

Sabrina Hutchins, Division Chief, Enterprise Strategy and Performance Division, CalPERS
Lara Caruthers, Assistant Division Chief, Enterprise Strategy and Performance Division, CalPERS
Michelle Tucker, Chief, Human Resources Division, CalPERS

Enterprise Performance Management

  1. Attachment 1 (PDF)

3:30 p.m. Promoting Pension Transparency

Michele Nix, Acting Chief Financial Officer, Financial Office, CalPERS

Promoting Pension Transparency

4:30 p.m. - Adjourn

Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Agenda – Day Three

9:00 a.m. Welcome/Opening

Theresa Taylor, President, CalPERS Board of Administration
Marcie Frost, Chief Executive Officer, CalPERS

View July 19, 2023 Board of Administration Open Session Meeting Transcript (PDF)

9:15 a.m. Action Item - Proposed Decisions of Administrative Law Judges

Proposed Decisions

  1. a. Joshua N. Ryan (DSBD)
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
  2. b. Lynelle Grumbles (RBSD)
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
  3. c. Bryan Glass (EAMD)
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
  4. d. Brandon M. Naranjo (DSBD)
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)

Petitions for Reconsideration

  1. a. Delia R. Snipes
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
    4. Attachment D (PDF)
    5. Attachment E (PDF)
  2. b. Amy M. Edelen
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
    4. Attachment D (PDF)
    5. Attachment E (PDF)
  3. c. Enrique Rios
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
    4. Attachment D (PDF)
    5. Attachment E (PDF)
  4. d. Dwayne May
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
    4. Attachment D (PDF)
    5. Attachment E (PDF)
  5. e. Christina A. Alderete-Gray
    1. Attachment A (PDF)
    2. Attachment B (PDF)
    3. Attachment C (PDF)
    4. Attachment D (PDF)
    5. Attachment E (PDF)

9:20 a.m. Action Item – Board Travel Approvals

  1. Attachment 1 (PDF)
  2. Attachment 2 (PDF)

9:30 a.m. CalPERS 2023 Board Self-Assessment

Travis Antoniono, Investment Director, Sustainable Investing, CalPERS

CalPERS 2023 Board Self-Assessment

10:00 a.m. 2023 Stakeholder Perception Survey Results and Focus Groups

Brad Pacheco, DEO, Communications & Stakeholder Relations, CalPERS
Ian Stewart, Senior Principal, EMC Research

Annual Stakeholder Perception Survey Summary of Findings
CalPERS Stakeholder Focus Groups

11:00 a.m. Approval to Meet in Closed Session Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(18)(A)

11:05 a.m. Closed Session – Litigation Matters (Government Code sections 11126(a)(1), (c)(18)(A), (e), and (g))

a. Information Security Update and Cybersecurity Briefing
b. Wedding, et al. v. CalPERS, et al. (Los Angeles County Superior Court, Case No. BC517444)
c. General Counsel’s Update on Pending Litigation

12:00 p.m. Report out on Information Security Update and Cybersecurity Briefing

12:05 p.m. Adjourn Offsite


Feckner Auditorium
Lincoln Plaza North
400 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95811


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