David Miller

Board Member


Elected representative of active and retired CalPERS members


  • Investment, Chair
  • Risk & Audit, Chair
  • Board Governance, Vice Chair
  • Finance & Administration, Vice Chair
  • Pension & Health Benefits

Board Terms1

  • 2022-26 (current term)
  • 2018-22


David Miller is serving his second term on the CalPERS Board of Administration.

He brings to his role more than 25 years of public service specializing in environmental regulatory programs, pollution prevention, environmental technology development, and performance management.

David is currently employed as a senior environmental scientist with the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, performing policy and research activities for their Hazardous Waste Management Program.

In addition to the CalPERS Board, David volunteers with the California Lawyers for the Arts/Sacramento Mediation Center, mediating in both community and courtroom settings. He also serves as president of the board of directors for the Northern California STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) Education Foundation.

David is a former president, treasurer, and bargaining chair of the California Association of Professional Scientists (CAPS). He currently serves as an elected director at large on the CAPS Board representing all state scientists. In addition, for more than 20 years David has served on the board of examiners of the California Awards for Performance Excellence. He has also performed the duties of master examiner with the American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living's National Quality Award program.

David earned his bachelor's degree in biochemistry from the University of Pittsburgh and holds an MBA from the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh.

1Elected board members serve four-year terms that begin January 16 of the term and end January 15.