Make an Appointment
We offer several appointments to assist you in conducting your CalPERS business. Before scheduling an appointment, we recommend you first attend a retirement education class. These classes contain valuable information about CalPERS benefits that may answer your questions.
To schedule any of the appointments below, log in to myCalPERS and select the Education tab, then Appointments. Or call us during business hours at 888 CalPERS (or 888-225-7377). Appointments are available by phone, video, or in person at our Headquarters & Regional Offices located throughout the state.
Appointment Types
CalPERS offers five appointment types to serve our members:
- Account Services – this 30-minute appointment is for members with questions about refunds, community property, death benefits, working after retirement, cost of living adjustments, and more.
- Disability Retirement – this 60-minute appointment is for members planning or applying for a disability or industrial disability retirement.
- Health Benefits – this 30-minute appointment is for questions on how your health benefits continue into retirement or for retirees with questions on their health benefits.
- Service Credit – schedule this 30-minute appointment if you're purchasing service credit, converting Second Tier service to First Tier, or have questions on these processes.
- Service Retirement – this 30-minute appointment is for planning or submitting your application for service retirement, or if you are planning on changing your retirement option.

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