At CalPERS, diversity is one of our greatest strengths and we embrace our diverse workforce.

We rely on team member demographic data to inform the organization of its workforce race, ethnicity, generational, gender, veteran, and persons with disabilities profile.

We also encourage team members to participate in the Statewide Change in Disability Status Survey and Statewide Employee Veteran Survey.

There are limitations to this data. For example, it's a snapshot in time and change is constant. Additionally, team members may find the available identification choices don't align with the way they self-identify.

Gender by Position

pie chart showing that the percentage of overall gender at CalPERS, for the year 2021 to 2022 is 43.85% men and 56.15% women.

Gender at CalPERS by Class Group

This table presents the percentage of men and women, by class group, for the fiscal year 2022 to 2023.
Position Women Men
Executive 45.45% 54.55%
Division Leader 44.12% 55.88%
Section Leader 56.37% 43.63%
Team Leader 57.46% 42.54%
Team Member 56.16% 43.84%

Generational Diversity

This table presents the percentage of CalPERS team members, grouped by what generation they fall into, for the fiscal year 2022 to 2023.

Generation Percentage
Generation Z (born 1997 – 2015) 1.90%
Millennials (born 1982 – 1996) 39.68%
Generation X (born 1965 – 1981) 47.11%
Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1964) 11.27%
Traditionalists (born 1925 – 1945) 0.04%

Our Team Members with Disabilities

pie chart describing that 10.3% of team members, working at CalPERS in the fiscal year 2022 to 2023, have disabilities.

Our Team Members Who are Veterans

pie chart describing that 4.3% of team members, working at CalPERS in the fiscal year 2022 to 2023, are veterans.

Race and Ethnicity*

This table presents the percentage of CalPERS team members, grouped by their race and ethnicity, for the fiscal year 2022 to 2023.

Race-Ethnicity Percentage
Asian-Cambodian 0.08%
Asian-Chinese 8.26%
Asian-Filipino 4.29%
Asian-Indian 4.21%
Asian-Japanese 1.94%
Asian-Korean 0.58%
Asian-Laotian 0.29%
Asian-Other or Multiple 4.50%
Asian-Vietnamese 4.17%
Black or African American 7.51%
Hispanic or Latino 16.64%
Multiple Race 3.26%
Native American or Alaskan Native 0.37%
Other 0.70%
Pacific Islander-Guamanian 0.17%
Pacific Islander-Hawaiian 0.12%
Pacific Islander-Other or Multiple 0.78%
White 42.11%

*Percentages are rounded and may not add up to 100%