Frequently Asked Questions About Deferred Retirement

What is Deferred Retirement?

Deferred Retirement is a new retirement benefit type that allows JRS II judges to leave the bench prior to meeting the minimum age and service requirements and receive their monthly retirement benefit in the future. It provides an ongoing monthly allowance and health benefits to your surviving spouse if you predecease them after you commence to receive your deferred retirement benefit.

What is AB 2443 – JRS II Deferred Retirement?

AB 2443 is legislation that was passed in 2022 that provides for a new deferred retirement benefit for JRS II judges. For five years beginning on or after January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2029, JRS II will offer two new types of deferred retirement benefits. These deferred retirement benefits are in addition to the existing retirement benefit types.

When will Deferred Retirement Be Effective?

JRS II judges may retire under deferred retirement on or after January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2029. You must elect to retire and leave the bench during this time. However, your commencement date (when you elect to start receiving benefits) may be after January 1, 2029.

Will all Judges be impacted?

This retirement benefit is available to all JRS II judges who meet minimum eligibility beginning on or after January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2029.

Am I eligible for the Deferred Retirement?

You’re eligible for deferred retirement benefit beginning on or after January 1, 2024, through January 1, 2029, if you’re:

  • Age 60 and have 15 or more years of service; or
  • Age 65 with 10 or more years of service

How does this change my Retirement Options?

The JRS II deferred retirement doesn’t change the existing early retirement – monetary credit payment, service retirement, disability retirement, the lump sum monetary credit payment, or the monetary credit annuity payment. Instead, this provides JRS II judges with more flexibility to leave the bench prior to meeting minimum eligibility for a service retirement and still be able to receive a lifetime monthly allowance in the future.

Does this change my retirement benefits?

No, it only provides you with more retirement choices. The deferred retirement benefit offers you two new retirement types. It provides JRS II judges with the flexibility to leave the bench early and receive a lifetime monthly allowance in the future.

Does this affect my Monetary Credit Account?

No, you’ll continue to accrue monetary credits equal to 18% of your active judicial salary, while you’re actively employed. If you elect to leave the bench and apply for a JRS II deferred retirement benefit, you must leave your contributions and monetary credits on deposit. No additional contributions or interest will be credited to your account during your deferral period. When your deferred retirement allowance starts, your active JRS II member account will be closed. If you elect a deferred retirement allowance, you aren’t eligible for a payment of your monetary credits.

How do I know if this new retirement benefit type is right for me?

Log in to your myCalPERS account to run a deferred retirement benefit estimate.

If I have further questions, who do I call?

If you have questions regarding your JRS II benefits, or questions specific to the JRS II deferred retirement, contact the Judges’ Retirement System directly at (916) 795-3688.

Judges' Retirement System II (JRS II)