Green Building Accomplishments & Sustainability Initiatives

Each year, we create a Sustainability Highlights Memo (PDF) showcasing our green building performance and sustainability achievements for the prior calendar year. This memo offers a comprehensive look at the specific efforts we’ve made towards accomplishing our goals as well as enjoyable sustainability facts highlighting some of our biggest wins in 2023.

Below are our green building accomplishments and sustainability initiatives at a glance.

Green Building Accomplishments

We’re stewards of conservation and are committed to being a leader in sustainable operations. Our headquarters, Lincoln Plaza, is a testament to this by operating as highly-efficient and environmentally-responsible facilities. Lincoln Plaza has two nationally recognized and award-winning buildings sized over one million-square feet combined: Lincoln Plaza North (LPN) and Lincoln Plaza East/West (LPEW).

Lincoln Plaza's green operations are maintained by utilizing clean energy, purchasing green technology, and implementing conservation measures while upholding sustainable best practices.

Sustainability Initiatives

We continue to grow and learn about our hybrid environment and the sustainability best practices we can implement. We’re driven to increase sustainability awareness and engagement while educating team members and our community. We aim to remain a leader in this field by conducting research and implementing efficiency improvement projects and initiatives.

CalPERS Story