Keynote Speaker

Headshot of international speaker, bestselling author, and Kindness Factory founder Kath Koschel

Join us for international speaker, award-winning author, and Kindness Factory founder Kath Koschel on Monday, October 28, at the 25th CalPERS Educational Forum.

Let’s Incorporate More Kindness, Together

“There are things in this world out of our control. How we treat others isn’t one of them.” According to this year’s Educational Forum keynote speaker Kath Koschel, focusing on kindness is the answer. Kath has worked with organizations like Nike, Kaplan, Microsoft, and others to highlight the importance of this element in making a positive impact internally and externally.

From overcoming personal struggles to being recognized for raising over $300,000 with charity organizations, Kath launched Kindness Factory in 2015 with the mission to make the world a kinder place. Her nonprofit organization works with teams and communities to examine and advocate for the adoption of more positivity.

No Stranger to Struggle

From major physical injury to the tragedy of losing a partner, Kath says it was the kindness of others that helped her recover and is the message she brings to the world. We all deal with struggles, large or small, and the world of public service is not immune. How can we think beyond the to-do list and infuse our work with not just quality, but also kindness? We’re not only employee-benefit administrators— we’re people sharing meaningful work that impacts our co-workers, their families, and their communities. To help us uphold our own daily missions, our keynote is an expert at examining how mission and kindness can align.

Are you and your organization ready to make a more positive impact? Kath will share tips on how to:

  • Harness your story to inform your work
  • Overcome the challenges we all face
  • Infuse your day-to-day actions with positivity
  • Think beyond the to-do list