Workforce Plan Conclusion, 2018-22

CalPERS has nine branches all working together to ensure the sustainability of long-term retirement and health security for our members. While our team dedicates themselves to those who serve, or have served, the State of California, our Workforce Plan is dedicated to those team members.

Over the next four years, CalPERS will continue to expand focused recruitment strategies to attract a diverse and competent workforce, integrate a culture that protects institutional knowledge to ensure business continuity, and make use of existing resources to align enterprise projects, business cycles, and increase efficiencies. These three workforce goals not only support our Strategic Plan and business objectives, but they support and empower our team members and make us a California employer of choice.

This Workforce Plan supports our business lines and all our team members across the organization, and in the following areas:

Our Actuarial Office prepares separate actuarial valuations for the state, school employers, and each contracting public agency every year, and includes the following:

  • Special Programs
  • Valuation Services

Our Communications & Stakeholder Relations Branch is responsible for advocating for our members and stakeholders through communication and outreach to CalPERS members, employers, team members, media, and governmental entities, and includes the following:

  • Legislative Affairs Division
  • Office of Public Affairs
  • Stakeholder Relations

Our Customer Services & Support Branch provides benefit and customer services and employer and member account management to our members and business partners, and includes the following divisions:

  • Benefit Services Division
  • Customer Education & Outreach Division
  • Customer Experience Division
  • Employer Account Management Division
  • Member Account Management Division

Our Financial Office safeguards our members' financial security through risk management and financial reporting, accounting, planning, policy and budgeting for CalPERS, and includes the following:

  • Enterprise Risk Management Division
  • Financial Reporting & Accounting
  • Financial Planning, Policy, & Budgeting
  • Pension Contract & Prefunding Programs
  • Treasury Management

The Office of Enterprise Compliance ensures, promotes, and supports an organizational culture that builds compliance awareness into the daily business processes for investments, health, and retirement.

The General Counsel Office provides legal advice and audit services to the Board of Administration, Executive Office, and team members regarding benefit, membership, contract, health care, and investment issues, and includes the following:

  • Legal Office (includes Equal Employment Opportunity and Investigations)
  • Office of Audit Services

Our Health Policy and Benefits Branch oversees the CalPERS Health Benefits Program, the Long-Term Care Program, and conducts complex research on health and retirement issues, and includes the following:

  • Health Account Management Division
  • Health Plan Administration Division
  • Health Policy Research Division

The Investment Office is responsible for the successful investment of CalPERS funds, and includes the following:

  • Global Equity
  • Global Fixed Income
  • Opportunistic Strategies
  • Private Equity
  • Real Assets
  • Sustainable Investing Program
  • Trust Level Portfolio Management

Our Operations and Technology Branch provides administrative support services to the enterprise, and includes the following:

  • Enterprise Strategy & Performance Division
  • Human Resources Division
  • Information Technology Services:
    • Enterprise Solutions Development Division
    • Information Security Office
    • Technology Business Management Division
    • Technology Infrastructure Services Division
  • Operations Support Services Division
  • Policy Research & Data Analytics

Please visit our website for more information about the services offered by each division or office within CalPERS.

Closing Remarks from Our Human Resources Division Chief

At CalPERS, our team members are our most essential resource. We understand to achieve our mission, we must have an engaged team to prepare for the future. Our success depends on an inclusive and active approach to workforce planning.

I am proud of the team that contributed to the Workforce Plan, the result of more than a year's worth of workforce and economic data collection and analysis, and collaboration across the enterprise. We gained valuable insight and perspective by engaging the Steering Committee to represent all our program areas. We paired the Steering Committee's feedback with the results of our Employee Engagement Survey, conducted in 2017, painting a balanced picture of our workforce from the perspective of our leaders and team members.

We believe a successful organization does not just depend on a vision or service, but those who carry out that vision and those services day in and day out – our team members. This is why we foster a culture that allows each of our team members to thrive and grow in an environment where they are valued and empowered.

The three goals and 11 strategies outlined in this Workforce Plan not only highlight CalPERS' direction to mitigate risks and close gaps in our workforce over the next four years, but also our commitment to providing the necessary resources and support to our team members, so they continue to grow and be engaged in the meaningful work we do every day.

Thank you,

Tina Campbell
Chief, Human Resources Division


Authors & Contributors

The authors of this report are My Tien Yancy, lead researcher, Derek Pettersen, researcher, and Jer Moua, project team lead.

Contributors include Tina Campbell, Melissa Azevedo, Brenna Neuharth, Cherilyn Burgess-Walker, and Cat Rowe.

Additional Thanks

Doug Hoffner, Executive Sponsor

The Workforce Planning Steering Committee: Anthony Suine, Brad Hanson, Cheryl Day, David Rubio, Dirk (Raymond) Benson, Erin Koukoulis, Fritzie Archuleta, Heather Mercer, Kami Niebank, Melinda Beer, Melissa Azevedo (Co-chair), Pam Avery, Patti Wallin, Shannon Hoogenbosch, Shari Little, Sonny Mangat, Tim Taylor, Tina Campbell (Co-chair), and Valerie Wong

Information Technology Services Branch, Enterprise Solutions Development Division for their partnership in developing the Workforce Planning Dashboard

Communications and Stakeholder Relations, Office of Public Affairs

Operations and Technology Branch, Enterprise Strategy & Performance Division and Policy Research & Data Analytics

Coordinator Contact Information

CalPERS Headquarters
400 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

Workforce Planning Inquiries:


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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (June 2017). "Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Weise, Michelle (September 2016). "We Need a Better Way to Visualize People's Skills." Harvard Business Review