Human Resources Division Mission and Vision

As an innovative, strategic partner, HRSD leads enterprise strategies in talent management practices to acquire, develop, motivate, and retain a diverse, high-performing workforce.

The HRSD's vision is to enhance CalPERS' reputation as a destination employer by using these strategies:

  • Offering relevant innovative programs
  • Fostering a team member-focused work culture
  • Delivering highly-skilled consulting services
  • Providing a responsive end-to-end team member experience

Existing HRSD Programs and Services

The Workforce Plan positions HRSD to achieve its mission through four pillars: recruit, develop, empower, and retain a diverse, high-performing workforce. The three goals and 11 strategies included analysis of the following existing programs and initiatives categorized by those four pillars:

The four pillars of the Workforce Plan: Recruit, Retain, Develop, and Empower


  • Hiring Manager Toolkit
  • Classification studies
  • Enhanced pre-employment screening
  • Targeted outreach events
  • INVO Talent Sourcing project
  • Upward mobility
  • Student Internship Program
  • Onboarding Project Phase II
  • Executive and investment recruiting services
  • IT Career Fair
  • Class consolidations
  • LinkedIn recruitment tool for active vs. passive recruitments
  • Cross-divisional interview panel composition
  • CalPERS Competency Model
  • Start Talent Acquisition Request (STAR)– in-house recruitment tracking tool
  • Development opportunities


  • Employee Recognition Program:
    • E-rock
    • Achieving CalPERS Excellence (ACE) Award
    • Achieving Performance Excellence (APEX) Award
  • Wellness fairs
  • Wellness Works
  • Fitness Center
  • Community outreach
  • CSOD Vacation Bidding policy
  • Ongoing commitment to our charitable events (Our Promise Campaign, annual food drive)
  • Annual balance events (evening sporting events, Ice Cream Social, annual winter gathering, CalPERS Choir, CalPERS Dance Team)
  • Core Value of Balance


  • Leadership consultative services
  • CalPERS training courses
  • Training liaison consultation
  • Web-based training consultation and development
  • Training needs assessment/analysis
  • Curriculum/course design and review
  • Supervisory Skills Enhancement (SSE) series
  • Regional Office training
  • Onboarding program
  • CalPERS Competency Training


  • Career Services program
  • Enterprise Resource Plan
  • Library automation
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • HRSD Performance Metrics
  • Skill-based Volunteer Program (illuminet)
  • Employee Engagement Survey
  • Idea Factory
  • Informal mentoring
  • Speed mentoring
  • Leadership Mentoring Program
  • Discussions with our CEO
  • Lean White Belt training
  • IT Governance
  • Career & Education Fair

Closing the Gap

To address the identified talent risks and gaps, CalPERS' three workforce goals and 11 strategies will advance:

  • Recruitment efforts by actively leveraging core competencies to further map out skills needed to fill today's duties and tomorrow's demands
  • The pre-screening process for hiring managers
  • The ability to fill hard-to-recruit positions through recruitment strategies that will reach diverse, highly-qualified candidates
  • Organizational efficiencies to measure supply and demand on an ongoing basis
  • Accountability for knowledge transfer initiatives to mitigate loss of knowledge from retirement and turnover
  • Leverage technology that will meet the pace and demand of our future workforce

Workforce Data and Analytics

Data is a fundamental element of workforce planning and can tell a compelling, business-oriented story through comprehensive analysis. The HRSD's Workforce Data and Analytics (WDA) team's mission is to provide meaningful insights into our human resources processes and our workforce so our business partners and senior leaders can make strategic decisions about operational and business opportunities. The WDA team measures our organizational effectiveness with performance metrics and workforce data by collaborating with our business partners and providing services to our program areas. CalPERS recognizes that maturing our data and analytics program will be an evolving process and we plan to make data an integral business asset as we look toward the future.

Collaborating with Our Partners

CalPERS sources data from different systems to compile our workforce data, highlighting the importance of data integrity and collaborative partnerships with our business users and data owners. The integrity of data is a critical consideration as we not only use data to guide our strategies for the Workforce Plan, but data is also used to make strategic and business decisions every day across the enterprise. The WDA team will be implementing a plan to partner with our systems users to validate the data, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and security of people and position data.

Providing Services

As the largest public pension fund in the U.S., data from CalPERS is used for benchmarking and best practices on a global scale. The WDA team's concentration is people analytics, ensuring data integrity across our HRSD functions for metrics around recruitment trends, turnover, vacancy rates, demographics, retention, training and development, and employee engagement.

Metrics are vital to the understanding of our organization and its needs. The WDA team provides data reporting and consultative services to our program areas across the enterprise, and to external customers as well. These services help maximize impact for CalPERS by engaging metrics and developing insights to track our organization's progress towards meeting our goals.

The WDA team supports our goals by providing the following services:

  • Coordinate, facilitate, and publish the HRSD Performance Metrics program, which is intended to minimize risk, provide transparency, decrease liability, ensure compliance, and drive change
  • The Workforce Planning Dashboard
  • Consult with business partners to determine data needs, collection method, and reporting features
  • Deliver monthly and quarterly workforce management and recruitment reports
  • Collect, analyze, validate data from SCO and CalHR
  • Provide workforce data on an ongoing basis to business partners across the organization
  • Collaborate with the International Public Management Association for Human Resources (IPMA-HR) to provide data benchmarking and best practices input

Looking Towards the Future

CalPERS recognizes the importance of meaningful data as a basis for decision making. Therefore, in the next few years, the WDA team will expand and enhance our HRSD Performance Metrics program, and create a streamlined data collection process to establish a baseline for our workforce data beginning with FY 2017-18. Data collection will be an evolutionary process over the next three years, establishing trends, enhancing security, and adding value to our decisions surrounding our most important asset, our workforce. We are currently in the process of procuring a comprehensive cloud-based Human Resource Management Solution (HRMS) technology platform to replace our HCM and enhance data security, collection, storage, data consistency, and risk mitigation.