Education Center

Our Education Center has information on CalPERS free online and instructor-led classes for our members based on career stage, as well as our employers to help them conduct business with CalPERS. For members, our CalPERS Benefits Education Events are held regularly throughout the state and online. 

For our employers, our instructor-led and self-paced online employer classes are designed to help you understand your business-related reporting responsibilities. You'll learn how to effectively use myCalPERS and avoid late fees and administrative costs. In addition, employers are invited to our CalPERS Educational Forum offered each fall.

You can also find information on how to sign up for and use myCalPERS.

Father and daughter bonding

Planning Your Finanical Future

Will you have enough money for the 
retirement lifestyle you want?

Member Education

Learn how to maximize your benefits and plan for retirement by attending our classes and events in-person and virtually.

Employer Education

Discover trainings and events for new and current employers to navigate policies and processes for a successful partnership with CalPERS.

Using myCalPERS

Access real-time details about your CalPERS account and conduct business 24/7. Take advantage of retirement estimates, service credit purchases, health transactions, educational opportunities, and more.