Employer Education

We offer a variety of training and informational events to assist you with your CalPERS-related business responsibilities. Our classes, workshops, and meetings are offered on multiple dates. Select the class or event name for complete schedules and more information.

Subscribe to our Employer Bulletin for customized news and event updates. If you're interested in member-related training for employees, refer to Member Education.

Upcoming Events
Pathways for Women ConferencePathways for Women is a dynamic forum meant to inspire career growth and advance women of all backgrounds and professions forward. Stay tuned for upcoming event dates and details.Conference
CalPERS Educational ForumAttend this annual event to learn more about CalPERS benefit programs and services. Highlights include informative sessions, exhibits, and private consultations.Conference
Classes & Workshops
Business Rules & myCalPERS Classes

Learn about laws and rules associated with your agency’s retirement and/or health contract as well as how to navigate and process transactions in myCalPERS.

To register for classes, log in to your myCalPERS business partner account, then select Education.

Instructor-Led and Online
Prefunding Programs Workshops

Learn about the trust funds, to prefund employer pension contributions, retiree health, and Other Post Employment Benefit (OPEB) liabilities.

To register, complete the form on Prefunding Programs Workshops.

457 Deferred Compensation Plan Workshops

Learn why employers choose the CalPERS 457 Plan.

To register, visit the 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Workshops page.

Local Safety Disability Employer Webinars

Learn about the disability retirement application process for local safety members, medical determination, working after disability retirement, and other related processes.

This two-part webinar is for public agency employers who make CalPERS disability retirement medical determinations for their safety employees.

To register, complete the form on Local Safety Disability Employer Webinars.

Post-Retirement Employment Webinars

Learn about Post-Retirement Employment.

To register for one of our webinars, complete the form on Post-Retirement Employment Webinars.

Social Security & Medicare Webinars

Learn about Social Security and Medicare.

To register for one of our webinars, complete the form on Social Security & Medicare Webinars.

Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefits Employer Webinars

Discover essential information about Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefits to effectively aid your employees.

Learn more and register at Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefits Employer Webinars.

Employer Leadership Dialogues

These meetings provide an opportunity for school and public agency employers to engage with CalPERS senior leadership to discuss current issues.

To register, complete the form on Employer Leadership Dialogues.

In Person
School Employer Advisory Committee Meetings

These meetings provide school employers an opportunity to share information and have questions answered.

Learn more and register at School Employer Advisory Committee Meeting Materials.
