Employer Leadership Dialogues
These meetings are an opportunity for your leaders and decision makers to engage in dynamic discussions with CalPERS senior leaders about topics that impact you. These small venue sessions are designed to provide timely updates to employers at the senior management level.
Topics for Discussion Include:
- The status of the fund and projected pension costs
- Strategies in repaying Unfunded Accrued Liabilities
- Rules for independent contractors, regular, and temporary employees
- Rules for post-retirement employment
- Legislative updates
- Health care: options, costs, and plan design
- Circular Letter 200-074-21 (Changes to Optional Membership) (PDF)
- Circular Letter 200-003-20 (Statutory and Regulatory Requirement for Publicly Available Pay Schedules) (PDF)
- Circular Letter 200-010-18 (Enrolling and Reporting Retired Members) (PDF)
- Circular Letter 200-0-21 (Reporting Out-of-Class 2021) (PDF)
- Circular Letter 200-050-23 (2024 Annual Invoice for IRC 415(b)
- 2025 Compensation Limits for Classic and PEPRA Members
- 2024 CalPERS Health Premiums for Public Agency & School (PDF)
- CalPERS Education & Training Classes by Business Role (PDF)
- CalPERS Health Program: Quick Facts for Employers (PDF)
- CEPPT and CERBT Questions and Answers (PDF)
- Employee or Independent Contractor Fact Sheet (PDF)
- CalPERS Facts at a Glance: Finances (PDF)
- CalPERS Facts at a Glance: Funding (PDF)
- CalPERS Facts at a Glance: Health Benefits Program (PDF)
Register for a session near you. To register and participate in our next meeting or for any questions after the meeting, contact us at CalPERS_Stakeholder_Relations@calpers.ca.gov.
2024 Workshop Schedule
Date | Location |
August 13 | San Jose Regional Office |
August 14 | Walnut Creek Regional Office |
August 26 | Orange Regional Office |
August 28 | Glendale Regional Office |
September 3 | Sacramento Regional Office |
September 4 | Fresno Regional Office |
September 11 | San Diego Regional Office |
October 9 | San Bernardino Regional Office |
October 15 | Redding City Hall |
All meetings are held from 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. Visit Headquarters & Regional Offices to view our Regional Office locations and parking information.